Welcome, dear readers and spiritual seekers.  It has been awhile since I’ve posted.  I want to ask you all:  what would you like to know about?  Discovering your past lives? Reading your astrology chart?  How to use Psycards? 

Do you wish to learn about ghosts and hauntings?  Shamanism? Karma?  We could talk about UFOs, the star people, the people who live in the earth.  We could discuss the magical powers of herbs, crystals, trees, animals.  Are you curious about fairies, mythology, or spirit guides? 

Do you want to develop your psychic abilities?  Learn about hypnosis? Want to become a reader of cards or other oracles?  I can help.

What knowledge are you seeking?  What areas do you wish to explore further.  I welcome any and all suggestions (within reason—be nice).  I have been studying the metaphysical, paranormal, occult—the “woo-woo” of it all for over fifty years. 

Do you want answers to specific questions?  Think of me as a sort of psychic “Dear Abby.”  Do you have paranormal activity around you or in your home?  Uncertain what to do to bless or cleanse your home or sacred space? I can help you answer these kinds of questions.

So I ask all Pagan Square readers—what do you want to know more about? We are all in this journey together.  Let me help you discover what you wish to know.