
Karlis Osis, psychical researcher conducts a PK experiment.

The other day I was sitting at my desk in the kitchen when a Tupperware strainer hanging on a cupboard jumped from its place and landed facedown about two feet away from the kitchen counter.  It could not have simply fallen as it is on a hook, and if it had simply fallen, it would have struck the counter and more than likely ended face-up.


When I was a little girl, I watched Bewitched and I Dream of Jeannie on television and often wished I could just nod my head or wiggle my nose and make things happen.  But try as I might, I could not make that salt shaker on the dining room table move.

When I was 15, I began to have lots of odd phenomena around me.  I woke up one morning to find my recently murdered cat sitting on my dresser, then turn and walk into the wall.  Over the next few years, I and others experienced unexplainable phenomena.  My grandmother had a door lock—the hook-and-eye kind of lock—jump and rattle around wildly when I was in the house one afternoon. A visting friend also saw my cat outside on the window sill—on the second story.

I had a bathroom mirror frost over on a warm afternoon when nobody had taken a shower. I had my large bedroom mirror frost over for no apparent reason.  That same mirror one morning literally jumped off the wall, soared over my dresser without knocking anything over and came to rest leaning against the dresser unbroken.  The nail and the wire holding it were intact.

When I was frightened and terribly upset one evening a storm came up out of nowhere and battered our apartment complex, throwing open the locked French doors with a terrific slam.  No other apartments were affected and experienced only a minor rainstorm.

By the time I reached adulthood, the phenomena had (mostly) stopped.  Years later, I learned that adolescent girls are often the source of poltergeist activity.

So just what is this TK / PK stuff about?

Let’s start with some definitions.  Telekinesis is from the Greek meaning, “distant movement.”  Psychokinesis, used interchangeably with telekinesis, means “mind movement.” And poltergeist is from the German for “noisy ghost.”

For the purposes of this article, let us use telekinesis for deliberate, conscious control of the ability to move objects with the power of the mind, like Uri Geller, the famous spoon-bending psychic made popular in the 1970s.  And I shall use psychokinesis to refer to involuntary movement of objects or other paranormal manifestations.

I want to focus on psychokinesis which can often produce poltergeist activity.  This activity manifests in one or more of several ways:

·         Movement of objects.  Things are moved, thrown or levitated.

  • ·         Disappearing / reappearing objects.  Keys are not where you put them, only to mysterious reappear later exactly where they are supposed to be.  Or things simply disappear and you never see them again, or they reappear later in an improbable location, like finding your keys in the refrigerator.
  • ·         Smells.  The fragrance of cigars, or lavender, or your Grandmother’s perfume.  Any unusual scent with no apparent source.
  • ·         Electrical / energy phenomena.  Your broken watch suddenly re-starts. Your computer crashes when you lose your temper.  Your house (and only your house) experiences a power surge with no discernible cause. TVs, radios, or other devices turn on or off by themselves.  Lights, mechanical toys, alarm clocks, etc. turn on or off on their own.
  • ·         Noises.  Banging, knocking, clicking, footsteps and other unexplained noises.
  • ·         Body effects.  Bruising, scratches, unexplained pain, being touched, stroked or groped. 

Now all of these things could be the products of either psychokinesis (coming from a living person), or other spirit sources (ghosts, elementals, hauntings and spirits of all types). But if you experience a lot of this type of thing over a long period of time in multiple locations and especially when you are experiencing stress, it is likely that you are the source of the PK activity.

When this type of activity is caused by or emanates from a living person, they are referred to as the “PK agent.” Nobody has determined the exact cause or mechanism by which this works, but it is well-documented that some people seem to discharge emotional energy unconsciously, affecting the environment around them.  PK ability is often found in people who are psychically sensitive or gifted. 

As a psychic investigator, I discovered that “hauntings” are often the result of a PK agent.  Although this is often associated with teenaged girls, it can occur in anyone of any age. 

Over the years I’ve come to accept my uncontrolled PK phenomena.  As a psychic, I realize that sometimes these are communications from the spirit world, but when they occur when I am under duress, I realize that it is likely my own PK discharges!

In one memorable event, my husband and I were having a terrific argument in our galley-like kitchen.  I got so mad I threw my car keys at him.  I heard them hit the wall behind and fall to the floor.  Hours later, when the argument had been resolved and peace had been restored, I went to the kitchen to get my keys. They were nowhere to be found.  They were never seen again. I must have thrown them into another dimension.

I have a recurring fantasy that one day I will come into my kitchen (years later and hundreds of miles away) and find those exact keys laying on my kitchen counter.

Do you have PK activity around you, or know someone who does?  I’d love to hear your comments.