Season and Spirit: Magickal Adventures Around the Wheel of the Year

The Wheel of the Year is the engine that drives NeoPagan practice. Explore thw magick of the season beyond the Eight Great Sabbats.

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Sacrifice means to Make Sacred

To get what you never had, you have to do what you have never done.

                The Harvest sabbats—Lammas, Mabon and Samhain—bring us deep understanding of balance and reciprocity. These are the moments of greatest abundance coming in, therefore they are the moments when we are called upon most, to be grateful, to give back, and to sacrifice.

                The world is infinitely abundant, when in balance. And we as humans take incredible amounts of the world’s riches. There is a profound lack of balance in what we take out of the land, and what we give back.

                As Pagans, we must be aware of the laws of balance and reciprocity. We must also be aware of what we need to do, in order to be in balance. We cannot just harvest without the work and worry of the planting and sowing and growing and weeding and tending. Very little worth noting is accomplished without an investment—of labor, time, money, etc. The same is true of our spiritual mastery. The pain of experience, disappointment, grief, and work brings us the blessings of wisdom, peace, comfort and security. There is no other way to do it.

                At this time of the First Harvest, when the Summer has hit the peak of its growth and flowering, it’s important that we name and claim our harvest.

                What are we willing to do, to give up, to attain our ambitions and desires?

                What parts of ourselves and our lives—habits of mind and behavior, prejudices, ignorance—are we willing to let go of, in order to come more fully into our soul’s promise?

                What do we love enough to sacrifice for, and what sacrifice can we make that is worthy of our heart’s desire?

                At this time of sacrifice, what do we hold so sacred that we are willing to give deeply of ourselves?

                Blessed be and Happy Lammas! Let the Harvest begin!

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Leni Hester is a Witch and writer from Denver, Colorado. Her work appears in the Immanion anthologies "Pop Culture Grimoire," "Women's Voices in Magick" and "Manifesting Prosperity". She is a frequent contributor to Witches and Pagans and Sagewoman Magazines.


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