Season and Spirit: Magickal Adventures Around the Wheel of the Year
The Wheel of the Year is the engine that drives NeoPagan practice. Explore thw magick of the season beyond the Eight Great Sabbats.
Hazel Moon: New Moon in Virgo
In Irish mythology, there is a story of the salmon who swam in the Well of Knowledge, around which grew sacred hazel trees. The salmon ate nine hazel nuts that fell into the Well, and suddenly become possessed of the all the knowledge in the world. Anyone who caught and consumed the salmon would also take in the blessing of wisdom, and so the salmon was pursued by heroes for years.
When the Sun transits into Virgo, the last sign of Summer, we know that things are subject to change. As with all Mutable signs, the transition from one season to another signals an opportunity to reflect upon the season ending, and make way for what is to come. Virgo is rooted in Earth, but ruled by Mercury, with all its mental agility, speed, and communication. It is perfect for reflection, analysis, for taking inventory and evaluating what the Summer's harvest is yielding. Virgo's symbol is an Earth Goddess holding a sheaf of wheat, representing not only Virgo's proximity to harvest time, but Virgo's powers of discernment. Virgo's ability to separate the wheat from the chaff—to determine what to keep, and what to discard, what has value and truth and what doesn’t—is what Virgo does best.
This year, the Sun and Moon are joined by several other planets, including Mercury in retrograde. There is also a solar eclipse today. All of this is an invitation to go deep and do some excavating. Because this New Moon opposes Neptune, there is tension between Neptunian fantasy and Virgo’s earthbound practicality. Virgo’s competence, hard work and stability bring strength and determination to the daunting, at times painful work of tending the soul. Virgo’s focus on health, structure and other nuts&bolts issues means the delicate work of transformation, of presence with and compassion to all parts of soul and self, especially those shadowy parts we hesitate to acknowledge, has a solid boost of determination and strength. Those issues we avoid, those parts of ourselves we shy away from—under Virgo’s calm leadership, we can approach and contend with what frightens us, what throws us off our center, and what impedes our own growth.
Virgo’s gifts call all of us to step up, personally, professionally, and magickally. Who can we become, if our gifts and talents were deployed properly? What more can we become, when we let go of what holds us back? Virgo calls us to be our best selves, not through suppressing our faults and flaws, but through choosing what is best in ourselves and others.
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