When I was trying to learn Tarot, one of the most frustrating aspects were cards that looked alike or seemed to convey the same type of energy.
Some similarities I struggled with included:
...Everything you want to know about Tarot--especially for contemplation, self-empowerment, personal growth and creativity--from Tarot expert, author and deck co-creator Janet Boyer.
Jolly snowmen, cheery red cardinals, shining stars, festooned trees, intricate snowflakes, welcoming wreaths, glowing candles, silver bells, crackling fireplaces, glistening ornaments, gentle doves, majestic Magi—Christmas and Yule cards are replete with universal symbols found outside the winter holidays.
In my opinion, some of the most beautiful, uplifting art decorate these annual missives.
...The Minor Arcana of the Tarot is the least explored cards in the deck (including the Court Cards). Even in scholarly works such as Robert Place's The Tarot: History, Symbolism, and Divination, the Minor Arcana (Ace through Ten) and Court Cards (Pages, Knights, Queens and Kings) are lucky to get a few sentences dedicated to them.
For instance, take this brief entry on the Nine of Pentacles:
...In the Tarot, the symbol of the scales of Justice implies some type of "balance". But, so does the juggler balancing coins in the 2 of Pentacles card--or the "middle of the road" energy of Temperance.
What about grief and sorrow? We have the 3 of Swords (impaled heart), 9 of Swords (sitting up in bed, head in hands) and 5 of Cups (spilled goblets and a downcast posture).
...A single sunbeam is enough to drive away many shadows. – St. Francis of Assisi
Lately, I’ve been pondering the Sun symbol.
...Our intrepid Editor, Anne Newkirk Niven, once told me: “Just write what you want to write. It’s virtually impossible to figure out what will resonate with readers—or what they’re interested in reading”.
And, if you think about it, just about anyone can fill a Symbolism blog with inventories of universal signs and archetypes—and what go-to authors of symbolism books list as accepted interpretations.
...Who wants to win a Mini Silver Boyer Charming Oracle? It comes in a sparkly snowflake bag and includes twenty silver charms (it was one of my beta sets I used to test our oracle).
You may have saw me mention our shiny charms and how they can be used for meditation, ritual, vision boards, altars, creative writing and divination. Now, you can have a chance to win a mini-set to see how this particular tool can work for you.