Paganistan: Notes from the Secret Commonwealth
In Which One Midwest Man-in-Black Confers, Converses & Otherwise Hob-Nobs with his Fellow Hob-Men (& -Women) Concerning the Sundry Ways of the Famed but Ill-Starred Tribe of Witches.
Is the God of Witches the Devil?
Is the God of the Witches the Devil?
Is a tree the particleboard made from it?
One is a living being, the other a toxic product.
On the other hoof, he's a god. Gods show themselves differently to different people at different times in different places.
That he should don a Devil mask to some is not beyond conceiving.
In fact, considering both his sense of humor and his tendency to utilize available resources, it actually does seem like something that he might do.
The f**ker.
So, does a tree = the particleboard made from it?
No, not really.
But it's no use denying that there's tree there.
Bernard Zuber, Satan Presides at the Sabbat Attended by Demons in Human or Animal Shapes
For Frater Barabbas
You Old Trouble-Maker, You
Tuesday, 14 February 2017
Admittedly, cross-pantheon identification is an inexact science, to say the very least. But it does seem to be something that pagans do again and again.
In Latvia, the Thunderer of the old pantheon--Perkwons (= Perun, Perkunas, etc.)--was (inter alia) identified with "Saint" Martin. The Latvian saying was that "Martin carries Perkwons under his cloak."
Other people's gods so often turn out to be our own in masks.
And you just never know for sure just who's looking out through the eyeholes. -
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One the one hand, very funny! "The f**ker." especially made me laugh.
On the other, "Gods show themselves differently to different people at different times in different places." - legit excellent point. If you have an expectation about someone, sometimes s/he will choose to oblige because why not? They've nothing to prove, especially to someone who's already made up their mind.