Paganistan: Notes from the Secret Commonwealth
In Which One Midwest Man-in-Black Confers, Converses & Otherwise Hob-Nobs with his Fellow Hob-Men (& -Women) Concerning the Sundry Ways of the Famed but Ill-Starred Tribe of Witches.
Introducing...the Abramelon
New This Year from Black Mountain Seeds:
The Legendary Abramelon (Cucumis melo wormsiensis)
Black Mountain Seeds is proud to offer, for the first time, a treasured heirloom variety melon, long thought lost: the famed Abramelon.
A favorite of early Renaissance Ceremonialists and Kabalists, the variety is thought to have originated in 15th century Germany; recent genetic studies suggest that it may have been first developed in the Middle East or North Africa, possibly Egypt.
Perfectly spherical in shape, about the size of a man's head or a little larger, the Abramelon is characterized by tender, succulent flesh striated with yellow ocher, russet, and olive. While not very sweet, it has a complex, spicy flavor with overtones of cinnamon and citrus.
Often pickled, the Abramelon takes a great deal of cultivation, but—adepts agree—is well worth the effort.
Give the Abramelon a try. You'll thank your Holy Guardian Angel that you did!
From germination to table: 180 days (but worth the wait).
A Black Mountain Seeds Exclusive!
$.93 per seed
(Note: one seed per garden only, please!)
With thanks
and a tip of the pointy, star-spangled wizard's cap
Magenta Griffith and Martin Summerton
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