"Don't draw pentagrams in the bathrooms; it frightens the maids."

(Sybil Leek)


They're big, they're showy, they work well in ritual.

And you don't need an athame to draw one.

I learned how to draw two-handed pentagrams from my friend Volkhvy years ago. (To the best of my knowledge, it was he who originated the practice.)

I've been drawing them ever since.

  1. Imagine a large pentagram in front of you, point upwards. Starting at the top and moving deosil, number each point, 1 through 5.
  2. Extend your arms in front of you so that your fingertips meet at Point 1.
  3. With a sweeping gesture, lower your arms diagonally, R to Point 3, L to Point 4.
  4. Raise your arms diagonally so that they cross in front of you, R to Point 5, L to Point 2.
  5. Move your arms horizontally in front of you, R to Point 2, L to Point 5.

Voila: a two-handed pentagram.