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Handfasting? Sure, I'd be happy to handfast you two; honored, actually.

Well, but there's something you should know first. You know what a geis is, don't you? (That's GESH, with a Sh on the end. Hey, it's Irish, don't blame me.) If I handfast you guys, I have to lay a geis on you, and you have to accept it.

It's this: that if, someday, you have a son, you will not circumcise him.

Cutting off part of a boy's penis is inherently wrong. It's sexual violence against boys.

You guys are pro-choice, right? Well, if your daughter should have a choice—which she should—so should your son. His body, his choice. Nobody else has the right to make that kind of decision for him: nobody. Not his parents, not his community, and certainly not "tradition." (Just because something's traditional, doesn't make it right.)

Why do I insist on this? Call it breaking the cycle of violence. It's part of my responsibility to ensure, insofar as I can, that a wrong done to me not be perpetrated on some other little boy.

That's my price. For your son, I want what was wrongfully taken from me.

If you can't commit to rejecting violence against your son, I can't bless your marriage.

So let me know.



Circumcision = sexual abuse.

His body, his choice.

Leave your son intact.