Why is the body of unofficial "preacher to the presidents" Billy Graham to lie in honor at the US Capitol?

It's a slap in the face of every non-Christian in America.

Back in the Bad Old Days, when the United States could still pretend to be a Protestant country, Billy Graham had the ear of the White House for decades on end: a battering of separation which, frankly, can only be described as a national disgrace.

This homophobic anti-Semite had one sole agenda: to capture souls for his greedy god.

That the body of such a man should receive one of the highest honors available to any American—last accorded Rosa Parks, one of the preeminent heroes of the struggle for Civil Rights—is utterly reprehensible.

For Graham, to put it baldly, was no hero. Graham was nothing short of a spiritual imperialist.

Billy Graham did nothing to deserve this honor. His body should not be displayed at the US Capitol.

That the American taxpayer should be expected to foot the bill for this insult only compounds the indignity.

Shame on ill-doers House speaker Paul Ryan and Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell for having orchestrated this disgrace.

Shame on you both.
