Witch Hazel is having an existential crisis.

Despite the assurances of her magic mirror, she's worried that she's getting prettier as she ages.

The doorbell rings.

It's Bugs Bunny, trick-or-treating, dressed as a witch.


Witch Hazel is stricken. She immediately suspects (and her magic mirror confirms) that she's been out-uglied.

Of course, she invites Bugs in.

Witch Hazel: Don't think I'm not going to worm all your ugly secrets out of you....Who does your hair?

Bugs (primping): Do you like it?

Witch Hazel: Like it? It's absolutely hideous.

Witches: Dancing to a different beat.

Since 150,000 BP.

With a tip of the black, pointy hat to the creative genius of Looney Tubes.

 You can see the clip here:
