Middle Earth Magic: Inspired Ideas and Seasonal Spells for Your Enchanted Life
I grew up on a farm in West Virginia and learned much about herbs, trees, animals, gardening, foraging and so much about nature. I incorporate this wisdom I learned from elders in my family into my spellwork. When I finally left the farm, I majored in Medieval Studies, my attempt to emulate my idol, J.R.R. Tolkien. All these influences led me to my own blended brew which I call "middle earth magic," containing a mix of the modern and the time-tested "old ways."
Dreams: Failing a Test
Taking a test in a dream is often a sign of a challenge in your waking life, something that has put you under pressure or that is causing the people in your life to analyze you. Perhaps you actually have an upcoming exam in real life that is causing you anxiety, or maybe the “test” in your dream is a representation of some other trial you have had to face. Tests often symbolize being unprepared, and can reflect anxiety for the future as well as guilt about the past. Did you back down from a challenge?. There may be another lying in wait for you. In these dreams, people often find they feel like they are running out of time, or they can’t understand the questions, or their pencil keeps breaking and preventing them from finishing the test.
The feelings you experience while taking the test in your dream can reflect your confidence in your waking life. If you are failing a test or wallowing in the fear of failing, you may be struggling with self-esteem. You likely have all the tools you need to succeed, but are selling yourself short, or you are setting goals that are too high, and, as a result, you fear not being able to meet your own standards.
Consider your attitudes towards things that are giving you difficulties in life. Do you find yourself always considering the worst-possible scenario? Are you constantly trying to prove yourself to the people in your life? Evaluating these thoughts and feelings in your waking life will help you better understand what your dream is pointing to.
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