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Extraordinary Creeping Paganism...we need more creep in the Old North State
Bless you, Ms. Trotta. It is such a lovely usable phrase.
Thought I'd check in and let you all know we're grounding, centering, focusing our wills down here in the sinking ship that is North Carolina. We know the country is watching us, wondering how much farther we can fall.
Much farther, I'm afraid.
Some of you are aware of my conceit called "Tower Time." It is my theory and experience that we are living in the time of the fall of empire (ours), in fact, I see it as the crash of several ancient toxic systems that are coming to the end of their time.
Death to the patriarchy! Down with Oppression! Sic semper tyrannis!
What that means in our Pagan communities is that we have some handy tools that can help us in the chaos of our General Assembly and its general assholery. The tools and techniques that many of us use in our daily practice are admirably suited to help us during this Tower Time. We have grounding and shielding and setting wards. We have Divines for healing and vengeance, and justice.
In a few weeks, I'm presenting a workshop on grounding at a large conference. I've worked out the schedule and have been indulging in practicing the practices. That got me thinking about the folks around me--the Episcopalians and the Methodists and the Jews and Ethical Humanists and the Baptists--and how this state-wide debacle is affecting all of us.
Tomorrow, I'm taking mugwort to a dear friend who is also an Anglican priest. Our interfaith group will meet on Sunday to try to decide our next business. My UU sister is heading down to Raleigh on Monday to be part of the Moral Mondays protest.
How is the state of your state? Has despair settled into your community? Are you fighting back? Are you working under the radar? And how does your Pagan spiritual world-view affect the way you respond to the challenges of these times?
On the state seal of NC, there are two Goddesses--they are called Liberty and Plenty, in that sweet old way. But they are also Athena and Ceres...and there is a ship in the harbor on the horizon. We like to think that ship brings the rest of the Reinforcements--Kali, Hekate, Oya, Durga and all Their Sisters.
We're hanging on down here, on the buckle of the Bible Belt. But spare us a kind thought when you can. We are fighting for our lives here, for freedom, for equality and justice. In addition to the Ancestors and the Divines, we can also use your encouragement, if you are so inclined.
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