Mabon, or the Autumnal Equinox, falls on Wednesday September 23rd this year. The equinox is only one of two days during the year, the other being the Spring Equinox (which will happen on this day in the Southern Hemisphere), when there is an equal amount of night and day. This makes these holidays the perfect time to work on magick for balance in our lives. I don't know about you, but this is an issue I struggle with all the time. 

Here is the spell that I wrote for Blue Moon Circle to use during our ritual. Maybe you will find it helpful too.

Mabon Spell for Balance


Great goddess and great god

Please send me balance in my life

Send me order to balance chaos

Sweet peace to balance strife

Help me to have focus and energy

But also quiet and restful times to recharge

Let there be love and laughter in my life

Prosperity and abundance

And light to balance out the darkness

Send me faith and patience and kindness

And help me to find balance in my place in the world,

In my relationships with others

And within myself

So mote it be


Happy Autumn!