"I would venture to warn against too great intimacy with artists as it is very seductive and a little dangerous."
Queen Victoria
The Wheel of the Year has turned past the Summer Solstice, so Friday’s New Moon is in Cancer, just a few days before our Mom, apple pie and fireworks patriot-fest on July 4th here in the USA. I suspect there will be all kinds of fireworks in the upcoming month, both literal and figurative. But given the Mars-Uranus opposition in this chart, I strongly advise taking extra precautions if you are working with anything flammable or explosive! Here’s the chart, as usual cast for Washington, DC, and predictive for the month ahead for the country. It’s also broadly predictive, on a more personal level, for those of us living here.
(And yes, I know I said I’d send my newsletter out on the New Moon, but that will be the *next* New Moon, so if you signed up and you’re wondering where it is…well, this blog post is all you get for this one. :-) And if you didn’t sign up, you can remedy that right here)
This is a chart of Water and Air, and if you’re an artist, you should get to work. There’s a lot of creative energy floating around this month, but — artist or not — keep in mind that trying to be too clever and bright can work against your emotional and spiritual relationships. Cleverness tends to be ego-driven, and you’ll want to watch your own ego this month, remembering to, as Steven Covey put it, “seek first to understand, then to be understood.” There’s lots of emotional, connecting energy you can draw on this month, but you are also likely to see plenty of people in full look-at-me peacock mode, demanding attention and respect. Get clear now on just how much posturing and nonsense you are going to put up with, and have a plan to deal with it politely but firmly when you find yourself in the middle of someone else’s drama. If you can get past ego needs — your own and others — the chart also offers lovely opportunities for deep connections with family, friends and tribe.
There’s a strong illusionary, trickster vibe in the air this month, a tendency to distraction, and to deception. (Astrologers will note the strong Gemini influence in this chart — it is the Ascendant, and holds both Venus and sign ruler Mercury. Mercury has a strong Trickster aspect, which is more obvious when it’s retrograde, and Venus in and ruling the twelfth, square Neptune is quite seductive and dangerous, keeping whatever it can low-lighted or under wraps). There are also patterns that support strongly transformative, life-changing emotional experiences. (Water emphasis, Sun and Moon trine Neptune, oppose Pluto. Venus-Neptune square). Magical/meditative work to develop the Observer, monitor your thought patterns, and deeply connect to your personal spiritual foundation will benefit not only you but those around you.