Mama Moon enters the strong willed, billy goat, mountain climbing sign of Capricorn on Dec. 8 at 4:01 am pst until Dec. 10 at 1:26 pm.

Our wild Sagittarius Nature (with Sun currently in Sag) is definitely reigned in by this Capricorn energy influx. We may find ourselves blurting out, then shutting up, realizing that we really didn’t mean to say things in quite that way - oops!

On a spiritual note, it’s a good time for a TUNE-UP ‘cause we all need spiritual lessons now and then, but how to choose (or find) the teacher? Listen to your Heart’s Harp right now ‘cause you’ll be getting a little boost from Neptune (the dreamer’s planet, ruler of Pisces).

Capricorn Moon Elfin Ally: Crow*
Oracle Card Meaning: Now is the time to speak up and be heard.
Reversed: Your very soul is feeling stifled.

*Excerpted from the Elfin Ally Oracle Deck by Kathy Crabbe.

With Luv and Sparkly Blessings,
Kathy Crabbe