This week we’ll discuss the metaphysical properties of Dolphin quartz crystals; what they are, how to determine if you have one, and how to work with their unique energy.

Physical: Dolphin crystals are crystals which have a smaller crystal attached to (riding along) the side, not quite big enough to be a Twin or Soulmate, but aligned similarly. They are sometimes called a baby or a sidekick. If you picture a dolphin with a baby swimming very near it, this is what the Dolphin crystal looks like - a larger crystal with a smaller crystal riding alongside. dolphin crystal with long, thin 'baby' The "baby" in the Dolphin crystal may be long and thin as they are in the crystals above, or they may be shorter and fatter as in the crystals below: dolphin crystal with shorter 'baby' Alternately, the "baby" may be quite a lot smaller than the main point, as in these crystals: dolphin crystal with very small 'baby' Sometimes the smaller or "baby" crystal will look like a baby jumping. As you can tell, not every Dolphin crystal will look the same, and some will look quite different than you might expect.

dolphin crystal jumpingIf you look at the crystal, and feel the energy, that may be the only way to tell whether you have a Dolphin crystal or not. The one to the left doesn't fit the "traditional" description of a Dolphin crystal, yet has the energy of one. The smaller crystal looks like a baby dolphin jumping alongside its mother.

The energy and first impression is more important than fitting the textbook description exactly. 

Energy of Dolphin crystal, whale lookThe energy you get from a crystal is always more important than fitting a textbook description.

To the right is an example of a crystal with Dolphin energy which doesn't even fit the textbook definition at all. See how it looks like a dolphin jumping up out of the surf? The two little crystals by my thumb are reminiscent of the dorsal fin. If you look at the parts of the crystal separately, you wouldn't think "Dolphin" crystal at all, but putting them together and then adding the energy which it emits, you see (feel) Dolphin!

dolphin crystal baby Here is an example of a Dolphin crystal that I think really looks like two dolphins. The adult even looks like it has an "eye" and even a little smile. Metaphysically, Dolphin crystals have a fun, playful energetic energy (that of the baby) and they can also have a nurturing, protective energy (that of the mother or adult).

Imagine the energy to lovingly guide, teach and protect our young. This is the energy of a Dolphin Crystal. 

When would a person choose to work with a Dolphin quartz crystal?

Anytime you need to tap into the playful, energetic, loving way dolphin mothers teach and guide their young you might ask for the assistance of or choose to work with a Dolphin crystal.  


Today we've learned that:

    • a Dolphin crystal is a larger crystal with a smaller crystal aligned similarly like a Twin or Soulmate, but smaller
    • a Dolphin crystal may have the energy (be a Dolphin crystal) but not fit the textbook definition at all
    • you may work with a Dolphin crystal  to tap into the playful, energetic, loving way dolphin mother's teach and guide their young
    • you might choose to work with a Dolphin if you are the TEACHER or the LEARNER

I hope you have enjoyed this discussion about Dolphin quartz crystal; what they are, how to determine if you have one, and how to work with them. Next time we’ll discuss Double Terminated quartz crystals.

Here is a recap the past posts and links to where you might find these various crystal configurations if you decided you might like to work with them:

DOLPHIN CRYSTAL (To encourage teaching in a loving, fun, joyful way, or alternately, to assist one to enjoy learning)

CURVED CRYSTAL (To assist with flexibility "go with the flow" or to cleanse or brush your aura)  purchase Curved crystal    read blog post

CLUSTER CRYSTAL (Raise the vibration in an environment or to assist with group dynamics)  purchase crystal cluster    read blog post

CATHEDRAL or LIGHTBRARY CRYSTAL (Raise your vibrational frequency or access Akashic Records)  purchase Cathedral or Lightbrary    read blog post

CHANNELER or CHANNELING CRYSTAL (To access higher wisdom, guides, other-world beings)  purchase Channeler    read blog post

BRIDGE or INNER CHILD CRYSTAL (To help Bridge between worlds or help to access your innermost self)  purchase Bridge or purchase Inner Child    read blog post

BARNACLE QUARTZ CRYSTAL (Wise energy; 'new souls' attracted to 'old soul' energy)  purchase Barnacle    read blog post

See you next week for Double Terminated Crystals.