This week we're going to discuss Lemurian Seed crystals. They sometimes are similar in shape to Laser Wands, and indeed, some Lemurian Seed crystals ARE Laser Wands. As a reminder of what Laser Wands here, follow this link to a post on that subject. Though Lemurian Seed crystals are sometimes in the shape of Laser wands, (a thicker base which tapers to a very small terminating end) they do differ in a few very different ways, both physically and energetically. Energetically, Laser Wands typically have a laser-type focus, whereas Lemurian Seed crystals have a feeling of connection, love, star travel and a vast opening. We'll get to the other differences a little later in the post.

Lemurian Seed crystals are reputed to have been "seeded" (aka planted) by the wisdom keepers in ancient Lemuria, before they left planet when their civilization on Earth was no longer viable and coming to an end. Lemurian Seed crystals are said to have been encoded with information to help guide us, by imparting the Lemurian's attitude of love, peace, enlightenment and conscious connection.

I have been guided to see this just a little differently than most. I don't believe that the information is "trapped" in these seeded crystals, like information burned onto a CD, waiting deep in the earth for millenia until the time is right to be exposed, accessed and activated by the Lightworkers in our current age. I DO feel that they were indeed seeded (planted) and ARE meant to be accessed by us now, to bring us the information that will help us to evolve and connect with the advanced knowledge of that ancient race. In these aspects, I am in agreement with the current definitions by most. The difference in my view and in other sources of information about these crystals is that I see Lemurian Seed crystals more as portals to the information, not simply recording devices. I see them as access points and living guides to connect us to the Lemurians and the ideology of that time with wisdom to help guide us into the New Earth's ascension.

I have been guided to understand that the Lemurian Seed crystals' unique shape is to act as a trigger to our deeper mind, much like the repeating numbers we have all been seeing, 11:11, 222, etc, which serve as visual reminders for us to awaken, much like a dreamer uses cues within dreams to activate lucid dreaming. When we see the unique shape of these Lemurian Seed crystals, we should see them as a portal, and then by following the guidance of and working with our Crystal Friends, we can access the knowledge as such.

So, then. What IS this shape which is unique to Lemurian Seed crystals, which is different enough from other quartz crystals that we will see it and have our memories triggered? I have found three clues to help you to determine if a crystal fits the description of a Lemurian Seed crystal (or not). Each of these clues is related to the next. Let me explain.

Lemurian Seed Crystal Drawing by Genn John
b2ap3_thumbnail_config_lemurian-satyacenterDOTcom.pngb2ap3_thumbnail_config_lemurian-mineralminersDOTcom.pngThe first clue is the presence of heavily Lineated (deeply grooved) sides. The caveat is that usually it is every other side, and since crystals have 6 sides, this means that 3 sides are deeply grooved/heavily Lineated, 3 sides are not.

The second clue is that typically there are 3 sides which are large (or wide), and 3 which are thinner. The larger or wider sides tend to be the sides with the heavy Lineation.

The third clue is in the termination. There tend to be 3 larger faces and three very small faces, and contrary to what you might intuit, the smaller faces sit atop the larger/wider sides and the larger faces sit atop the smaller/thinner sides. This can be seen in the illustration above and also the pictures above right and left.

These 3 clues, when seen together, should spark a recognition and trigger in your memory that this is a special/unusual configuration. Sometimes I see crystals labeled as Lemurian Seed crystals which don't have all three of these clues present (and some of them have none of the clues!) I tend to be wary of this and if I want to assure myself that the crystal is indeed a Lemurian Seed crystal, I look for the 3 clues. As with all crystal, there will be exceptions to this "rule"and I am certainly not casting doubt on these other crystals labelled as Lemurian. As with all the information I present, take this information and see what resonates as true for you.

On some Lemurian Seed crystals, the outside is sometimes sort of foggy looking, almost like lightly etched glass, and sometimes they have a pink tint to the outside layer. Often crystals with these descriptors will also feel almost greasy, or soapy. Don't misunderstand, though, they aren't actually greasy or soapy, this is just the best way I know to describe the feeling in your hand. Remember this is true for some (but not every) Lemurian Seed crystal.

Energetically, Lemurian Seed crystals have a soft, loving, feminine energy. They are usually very masculine in appearance (usually very water clear) but this is a good example of the fact that just because a crystal may have the appearance of either masculine (clear) or feminine (cloudy), it doesn't necessarily mean that their energy will match the physical description. While they do have this soft, loving energy, they are also powerful and direct in their attitude, though this energy may be subtle and not the first thing you notice about them. Generally, Lemurian seed crystals have a loving, connecting energy, and for me, a feeling of oneness and shared consciousness with all of creation, on and off planet. They take me back to the stars. They are also lovely for dream work and travel.

To work with a Lemurian Seed crystal, it is good to sit and meditate with them. Greet your new friend and become acquainted. Get to know your Lemurian crystal, become intimately familiar with its shape and feel in your hand. You may want to spend hours or even days just in the "get to know you" period. Carry it in your pocket, sleep with it by your bed.

When you are ready, let the crystal know you are preparing to access the knowledge it has to impart. "Unzip" the crystal by dragging your thumbnail down the side from tip to base. This signals the crystal that you are prepared and ready to receive any information that may be accessed through the portal of this special seed crystal. The response you receive when you "unzip" might be subtle, so while you may be physically deeply relaxed, it is helpful to maintain an alert awareness. Pay attention to different sensations, colors, sounds, pictures or even stories which may appear in your consciousness. Sometimes it is very subtle and the subject so familiar to your Soul Self that you don't even realize you are receiving information. Because of this, it is wise to pay attention to everything you receive, and you may want to write down what you receive when you are done. As it is with dreams, they may seem 'normal' and not all that extraordinary until you are completely awake. When you are ready to conclude the session for the time being, thank the crystal for sharing and working with you. Gently drag your thumbnail from base back to tip to "zip up" the crystal. This is a further signal to your crystal friend that you are finished working for the time being. It is similar to saying goodbye and hanging up the phone. It certainly doesn't mean you will never talk again, but it does conclude and wrap up the current conversation. Plan to spend several "sessions" accessing this knowledge. Always remember to express your gratitude for the wisdom, knowledge and love being shared by and through these living portals.

I hope you have enjoyed this discussion of Lemurian Seed crystals. Next week we’ll discuss crystals with inclusions.