This week we’ll be discussing Faden crystals which fall under the category of internal structures.

Faden Line in crystal

Faden is pronounced "FAH-den", from the German “faden” meaning thread. These crystals are really difficult for me to photograph (I seem to be photograph-challenged lately) so most of the images aren't Arkansas Crystal Works photos (photo credit on image). The one to the left is, however.

When we talk about Faden crystals, we are actually referring to the Faden LINE, so more often than not, I will describe a crystal as having a Faden Line versus calling the crystal a Faden Crystal.

Faden quartz crystals have a fuzzy white thread-like area going side-to-side. I primarily find them in Tabby crystals, most especially Tabby clusters (two or more Tabby points attached side-to-side, as in the image above and most of the images below) . The fuzzy “thread” reminds me of the white thing you sometimes find in chicken eggs when you scramble them. I used to think it was the umbilical cord of the embryo, however today I learned the white things are anchors which keep the yolk in the center of the white. You learn something every day! Anyway, the energy in Faden crystals is sticky and connective like in the egg description but without the grossness factor.

Mostly you will find Faden lines running side to side through Tabby clusters like this:

Faden Line in quartz crystal

Or this:

Faden Line in quartz crystal

As you can see, they might be very straight, or they might be curved. The line may be tight and very thread-like, other times it is more "fuzzy" and has little strings coming off the sides. Sometimes they will be both curvy and fuzzy and they might be found running through the middle of a single point like this:

Faden Line in quartz crystal

They aren't always single lines, sometimes they present as several lines criss-crossing a crystal like this one:

numerous Faden Lines

So now that we know what a Faden crystal is when we see one, how do we work with them? As I hinted at earlier, they are good for astral travel and for connection.

How are Faden crystals good for astral travel (silver cord)? It is really easy to visualize the Faden line as the silver cord (which connects the astral body to the physical body) so you can see how the energy of a Faden crystal would help you strengthen your own tangible connection to your silver cord. We all have a silver cord, and it functions with or without our voluntary input, however if we can learn to be more in touch with it, it might help us to strengthen our astral travel practice. As an aside, an excellent book for learning to astral travel or achieve out-of-body (OOB) experiences is Astral Dynamicsby Robert Bruce. I illustrated the first edition of this book, (which is now out of print), so I became very familiar with his OOB methods while illustrating the concepts. It is well worth the read for practical, no-nonsense instructions on OOB and astral travel.

Faden crystals are also good for connection (thread). You might work with a Faden crystal to increase the strength of the connection between you and others. Tabby (also called Tabular) crystals are good for communication (think "tablet", which you use to communicate), so a Tabby cluster with a Faden line would help connect several in a group to communicate in a connected manner.

If you have a Faden crystal which spans just one crystal, or in the case of a Tabby cluster, between more than one crystal, you might work with the Faden line in the crystal with that in mind (whether your Faden spans only one crystal or connects many crystals). Faden lines in single crystals may help you connect within a certain realm or lifetime. If it spans between more than one crystal, you may travel between more than one realm, plane or lifetime. You may also tap into the properties of both Tabby (communication) and Faden (connecting) to work with a connection between yourself and another.

As you can see, there are many ways one might work with the energy of a Faden crystal. Today we learned that:

    • Faden (pronounced FAH-den) in German, means thread
    • Faden lines are most commonly found in Tabby (Tabular) crystals but they may be found in single points as well
    • Faden lines have a sticky, connective energy
    • Faden crystals may be used to assist one with astral travel or OOB experiences,
    • to connect members of a common group or
    • an individual to past lifetime/s, realms or planes

I hope you have enjoyed this discussion about Faden quartz crystals; what they are, how to determine if you have one, and how to work with them. Next time we’ll discuss Fairy Frost or Devic quartz crystals.

Here is a recap of the past posts featuring the metaphysical configurations and links to where you might find these various crystal configurations if you decided you might like to work with them:

FADEN CRYSTALS (For astral travel or connecting) purchase FADEN crystal

E.T. CRYSTALS (Access otherworldly beings or boost distant healing) purchase E.T. crystal     read blog post

ETCHED CRYSTALS and SACRED SIGILS (Surface features with special energies.) purchase ETCHED crystal  purchase SIGIL crystal    read blog post

EMPATHIC CRYSTALS (To bring out and amplify compassionate feelings.) purchase EMPATHIC crystal   read blog post

ELESTIAL or ELESTIATED CRYSTAL (To connect with angelic energies.) purchase ELESTIAL crystal   read blog post

EIGHT-SIDED FACE / GROUNDING CRYSTALS (Any time you need to refocus and ground.) purchase EIGHT-SIDED FACE or GROUNDING crystal   read blog post

DRUSY (To assist with ideas or thought forms ready to spring forth and grow such as thoughts or dreams, desires or wishes.) purchase DRUSY    read blog post

DOW or TRANS-CHANNELER CRYSTALS (For divine balance, and a connection with the self and Universal Truth.) Note: Dow crystals are rare, and I don't always have very many of them. Sometimes the ones I have are Dow by count (7-3-7-3-7-3) but have one large 7-sided face (present as a Channeler) or two large 7-sided faces and one small 7 (present as a Transmitter). If you order one, I will let you know at time of purchase what I have available.  purchase DOW or TRANS-CHANNELER crystal     read blog post

DOUBLE TERMINATED CRYSTALS (Useful in any application in which you want the energy to flow in both directions) purchase DOUBLE TERMINATED crystal    read blog post

DOLPHIN CRYSTAL (To encourage teaching in a loving, fun, joyful way, or alternately, to assist one to enjoy learning) read blog post

CURVED CRYSTAL (To assist with flexibility “go with the flow” or to cleanse or brush your aura)  purchase CURVED crystal    read blog post

CLUSTER CRYSTAL (Raise the vibration in an environment or to assist with group dynamics)  purchase crystal CLUSTER    read blog post

CATHEDRAL or LIGHTBRARY CRYSTAL (Raise your vibrational frequency or access Akashic Records)  purchase CATHEDRAL or LIGHTBRARY crystal    read blog post

CHANNELER or CHANNELING CRYSTAL (To access higher wisdom, guides, other-world beings)  purchase CHANNELER crystal    read blog post

BRIDGE or INNER CHILD CRYSTAL (To help Bridge between worlds or help to access your innermost self)  purchase BRIDGE or purchase INNER CHILD    read blog post

BARNACLE QUARTZ CRYSTAL (Wise energy; ‘new souls’ attracted to ‘old soul’ energy)  purchase BARNACLE    read blog post

See you next week for Fairy Frost or Devic quartz crystals.