Animal Wisdom: Connecting People and Animals
A blog encouraging deeper relations between people and animals.
Guardian Dragons
Usually a younger dragon, who likes to play will want to become a guardian dragon of a human. (Age in dragons is different than with people. They age more slowly.) Being curious, the young dragon often find people fun and intriguing. For these reasons, they enjoy the company of humans. In return, these dragons expect kindness and love from their human companions.
Sometimes, an older dragon will ask a person to mentor a young dragon. Watching her unawares, the older one has decided that the human is mature and steady, the qualities of a good dragon mentor. Although the older dragon will guide her at various times, they expect the human to know that she has the responsibility for caring for the dragon “child.” The person must also remember that in her relationship with these two different dragons, they have placed their trust in her. Both expect to be treated with love and consideration.
Before anyone can know a guardian dragon, he must first manifest that he is aware of dragons. To signal that he is ready for a guardian dragon, the person places dragon pictures around the home and prepares an altar. Magick with dragons starts by creating a thoroughfare for their energies. A welcoming place will have gems, bells, and pendulums for the dragon to play with. Other things that dragons like are candles, flowers, incense, mead, pearls, and bright beads.
When the dragon feels comfortable, they will make more of themselves visible. Sensing their presence means seeing an eye, a flash of wings, a face in the window or a long neck reaching down. Be quiet, and watch carefully out of the corners of your eyes. Do not stare at them, but be aware that they are watching. Never force contact since the dragon will decide first. Moreover, do not speak of any encounter without permission.
Show the guardian dragon love. Speak to them kindly. Enjoy their antics, and include the dragons in daily activities around the home and elsewhere.
To communicate regularly with the guardian dragon, make a dragon box. (Good materials are walnut, oak and ash.) To deepen your friendship, offer stones and other small gifts. Plant their favorite trees and flowers in a “dragon garden.” Provide a place for the dragon to come and visit at your home.
A guardian dragon will offer their human, the name that they want to be called by. It will probably be their “use” name, since they do not usually tell humans their “dragon” name. Respect the dragon’s privacy in all things. Always say, “I honor you. Thank you, Celestial One.” Show gratitude to the guardian dragon for their time, love, and patience.
Sometime later, the guardian dragon will leave the human and return to the company of other dragons. Before leaving, the dragon will say good bye. In memory of this warm and loving relationship, the human should keep some items on their altar. The former guardian may return with a young dragon for the person to mentor. At other times, the dragon may visit their human friend.
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