78 Magickal Tools: Bringing the Magick of Tarot to your Pagan Path

Tarot is more than a tool of divination; tarot is a book of spiritual wisdom and a set of magickal tools. Explore new ways to use tarot in ritual, magick, meditation, self-discovery and attunement.

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Tarot Magick for Everyone

Tarot magick can be as simple as finding an appropriate card and leaving in on your altar.  You can also sleep with the card under your pillow, or hold the card to your chakras and breathe in its energy.

Tarot magick works with the idea that each tarot card holds a specific energy. Choose the card that holds the energy that you want in your life, and consciously bring the energy of that card into your life. Tarot is a simple, effective tool for this kind of magickal work.

 If there is something you need to remove, heal from, or release, you can find a card that represents what you want to release. Look at the card, and talk to it. Bid it farewell in a stern voice, and place it face down on your altar.

Even in the process of divination, we can use quick tarot magick to mitigate a coming problem, or to hasten a positive event. Tarot author Rachel Pollack has rightly described the conscious process of reversing a card as a magickal act.

Imagine a divination process where you can take some control of the outcome!

Next time you see something in a divination that you would like to heal or mitigate, emphatically reverse the offending card, with the full weight of your intention, after you’ve completed the divination.

Magick is the simple exercise of shaping energy. Tarot harnesses specific energies in a way that allows us to identify and embrace them.

There are some great books on using tarot for magick. Remember, though, that you have the ability to work with the energies of tarot in any way that feels right for you. That’s especially true if your tarot magick comes from your intuition and creativity, rather than directly from a book.


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Tagged in: tarot magick
Christiana Gaudet, an eclectic Pagan, has worked as a full-time tarot reader and teacher since the early 1990s.  From her home in South Florida she offers readings and private instruction by Skype and telephone, as well as tarot and spiritual webinars.  Christiana's first book, "Fortune Stellar: What Every Professional Tarot Reader Needs to Know" is designed to help each tarot professional build a unique and successful tarot business.  Her new book, "Tarot Tour Guide: Tarot, the Four Elements and Your Spiritual Journey" explores ways of using and understanding tarot by understanding the Four Elements. Christiana is a popular speaker at festivals and conferences, and has done a great deal of psychic work on broadcast radio and television.


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