78 Magickal Tools: Bringing the Magick of Tarot to your Pagan Path
Tarot is more than a tool of divination; tarot is a book of spiritual wisdom and a set of magickal tools. Explore new ways to use tarot in ritual, magick, meditation, self-discovery and attunement.
Mitigate and Maximize
Use Tarot to Accentuate the Positive and Eliminate the Negative!
Here is a quick tarot magick exercise you can do on your own, or in a group. I call it an exercise rather than a spell because its benefits are more than magickal.
This exercise will increase your understanding of tarot, and how the cards can work in your life. This exercise will also cause you to deeply examine your life at the moment, and to set goals.
The magickal purpose of this exercise is to minimize or vanquish something from your life that isn’t serving you, and at the same time to maximize something positive in your life, or bring in something new that you desire.
Here’s what to do.
Look through your tarot deck. Based on your knowledge of the cards, or simply your feelings about the images, you will pick two cards, not at random, but cognitively.
Choose one card that represents something that is in your life that doesn’t serve you, which you would like to mitigate, or remove.
Choose another card representing something in your life that you would like to support, grow and maximize, or something new that you would like to bring in to your life.
The process of choosing the cards by looking through the deck is an important part of this magickal exercise. As you look at each card you decide what place that card has in your life, or whether that card describes an aspect of your life. By the time you find the two cards that describe what you want less of, and what you want more of, you have had the opportunity for some deep introspection and goal setting.
Once you have your two cards, take the card that represents that which you want to mitigate or remove. Look at the card, and spend some time thinking about how the energy of that card shows up in your life, and what your life will look like when it is gone.
When you are ready, take the card and slap it face down on the table. As you do, command its energy to be gone from your life.
Spend a few moments feeling the energy leave you, and visualizing what your life will look like without it.
Now, take the card that you have chosen to represent what you want to maximize in your life. Spend some time looking at that card. Breathe in the energy of the card, and visualize what your life will look like as this energy grows in your life.
Hold the card to your heart, with the image facing your heart. Breathe the energy of the image into your heart, and, again, hold the vision of what your life will look like when your magick is complete.
When you are finished, you may shuffle both cards back in to the deck.
Whether you do this as an exercise in a tarot study group, in circle with your coven, or on your own, you will find a great deal of healing, understanding and improvement in your life when you use tarot in this way.
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