For those in the Northern Hemisphere, the Autumn Equinox (also known as Mabon) is almost here! Technically, it takes place very early this Wednesday morning. (So early, in fact, that celebrating Tuesday - tomorrow - would make just as much sense. So take your pick!)

As you probably know, the Equinox is a time of balance. The days and nights are precisely equal. Furthermore, the autumn equinox is when the sun moves into Libra: the sign symbolized by the scales of balance, and ruled by Venus: the goddess of beauty and love.

As a time of balance, creating harmony in the home feels especially right. And, as the moment when the harvest goddess Demeter bids farewell to her daughter (the springtime goddess Persephone) as she slips into the underworld, letting go and paring down also feels right.

The equinox is traditionally a harvest festival, so it's also a time when it feels appropriate to assess and celebrate your accomplishments and blessings.

Acknowledging the holiday - even briefly - can provide an infusion of soul nourishment and a sense of satisfying connection to the bounty of the earth and the Wheel of the Year. In case you're looking for simple ways to work your equinox celebration into your everyday life, here are six.

1. Take store of your pantry, give away extras, and let go of what's no longer edible. Go through your cupboards and fridge, and remove everything, one shelf at a time. Dispose of expired food and give away food that's still good that you'll no longer eat (i.e. donate it to a food bank or give it to a friend). You might also create a feast out of forgotten food that's still good, such as pasta, rice, and frozen or canned vegetables. All of these activities can support you in creating harmony, reveling in abundance by sharing the wealth, and activating stuck energy...All of which will raise vibrations and bless the season ahead.

2. Share homegrown and homemade food with friends and family. If you have extra fruits, veggies, or nuts that you grew yourself, now would be a great time to share gift baskets with family and friends. Or, distributing food that you made yourself - such as carrot apple muffinspecan pie, or salsa - to loved ones would be wonderful way to show love while sharing the abundant bounty of the earth.

3. Clear out old photos and "harvest" the good ones. Let's face it: most of us snap way more photos than we actually need. And digital clutter is still clutter, so take a moment to delete the photos you don't actually need or want to keep. Then, "harvest" the other ones by making collages online, turning them into greeting cards, scrapbooking with them, or just posting them on social media and tagging your friends. This mini-celebration of beloved memories will feel right at this cozy and nostalgic time of year, and will be sure to bring joy to your heart (not to mention the hearts of your loved ones).

4. Light an orange candle, brew a cup of spice tea, and celebrate your successes and accomplishments. Sit somewhere where you can see the beautiful autumn sky. Breathe, relax, and make a list of every positive achievement you can possibly think of from the past year, no matter how tiny. Then just rest and smile, recognizing how hard you've worked and how far you've come.

5. Build an outdoor fire in a fire pit, or your first indoor fire of the year. Then, alone or with one or more loved ones, have a pumpkin martini (or another fall-appropriate beverage) and discuss your accomplishments and successes from the previous year. Make it a "negativity-free zone," and be sure to respond with abundant admiration. Relax fully, and revel in the magic of the season.