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Living with Kami

Living with Kami

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Home 🌿 About Me 🌿Services🌿 Reading List 🌿 Shinto Beginner Guide 🌿 Shinto Shrines Outside of Japan 🌿 Juyohin 🌿Norito Prayers 🌿 Archive


🌿Hello, my name is Olivia, I’m 30 years old, and I’m a licensed Shinto priestess of the Konko Faith. I’m from Canada, now living in Japan.

You can find some more information about me here:

The purpose of this blog and my other socials from now to the foreseeable future is to share about my own life and reflections as a priestess in the Konko Faith, and occasionally share about general Shinto information, history, and traditions.

🌿I have been on Tumblr and this blog for over 10 years now, and have underwent much change since when I began.

I have done my best to clear out many of my old posts that were lacking in information, context, and not of good quality to avoid confusion for the reader’s learning purposes.

if you come across a post of mine from pre-2021, and feel confusion or wondering about it, please feel free to contact me about it anytime at my email

🌿From now, I hope to write better informational and quality posts about Shinto having learned a lot from residing in Japan since 2017, from the teachers around me, from following the culture here, and from changing and growing as an individual due to major life events from 2020 onward that have deeply and irrecoverably shaped who I am now.

In addition, I hope my personal posts will be able to make those living far from shrines feel more a part of a community and be an interesting view into shrine life and this service to Kami-sama.

🌿Ultimately, I began to write and want to continue because I strongly wish that Shinto can be known, practiced, and spread far and wide overseas.

I wish this as I truly, deeply, feel that Kami-sama help people geninuely, and that the ways taught by Shinto enrich our lives, and pave the path for us to work towards embodying wisdom, sincerity, humility, and many other virtues that make society more harmonious for all.

I am deeply grateful for the many others working hard in the community to share and teach about Shinto as well.

🌿Thank you so much for your kindness and support over all the years. I will keep learning, growing, and doing my best each day.

🌿Please note too, that I generally can’t stay online for long due to work at the shrine. I will post time to time, but direct messages, replies, and other posts is difficult to attend to. Please contact me by email ( if you would like anytime as it is the best way to reach me.

🌿Below is a photo of my home shrine, Konkokyo Yokosuka shrine, a photo of me working, and the main altar of the shrine.

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New Discord usernames

Hi everyone, I just wanted to let you all know I secured the username “livingwithkami.” (period at the end) for Discord, and I am currently using the username livingwithkami#0767 at the moment waiting for the prompt to come up to change the username on my new account.

It seems like someone took the username “livingwithkami” before I could, so if there’s that username, please know it’s not me.

I am also only active on the “Shinto: Way of Kami and People” Discord, joinable here: and nowhere else.

All of my official accounts can be seen at my carrd:

Thank you!

It seems I got a blessing and was able to change my personal account to livingwithkami!

So, please know my Discord usernames are:


(personal account)



(admin account for management purposes)

I don’t go by any other usernames on Discord.

And, I am only active on “Shinto : Way of Kami and People” Discord.

Thank you again!

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New Discord usernames

Hi everyone, I just wanted to let you all know I secured the username “livingwithkami.” (period at the end) for Discord, and I am currently using the username livingwithkami#0767 at the moment waiting for the prompt to come up to change the username on my new account.

It seems like someone took the username “livingwithkami” before I could, so if there’s that username, please know it’s not me.

I am also only active on the “Shinto: Way of Kami and People” Discord, joinable here: and nowhere else.

All of my official accounts can be seen at my carrd:

Thank you!

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A few days ago, a worshipper offered a bounty of vegetables from a local farm. I tried to offer as much as I could on the offering tray for our monthly ceremony today. We were very grateful for their sincere offering. 🥔🥕🧅🍅🥒 Thanks to Kami-sama for the bountiful harvest! 🌌🙏🏼

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On April 24th, I offered red roses to Kami-sama for a little belated St George’s day (it is cultural for me being part Italian). 🌹

Now, 3 weeks later, there’s a lovely little red rose “bouquet” growing in front of the shrine.

In everything you offer to Kami-sama in gratitude, Kami-sama will give back as well. 🙏🏻It is Aiyo kakeyo (interdependence)🌹

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