We gather in the midst of gods.
People of the Waters, my brothers and sisters:
Today we, a sacred people, are gathered here in this sacred place, on this sacred day, to accomplish a sacred work, and this is the nature of that work: to pray for the well-being of pagans, here and throughout the world.
Shortly now we will begin our Procession to that sacred Being, that concentration of Power, known to the First People of this Land, the Dakota, as Minnehaha: the Water That Falls.
There we will make our traditional Threefold Offering to the Falls, and to our offerings we will add our prayers. From here, Minnehaha's sacred waters will bear our offerings and our prayers to Minnehaha Creek, and so to the Mississippi, and so to the Ocean, and to all the rest of the world.
It is the immemorial Pagan Way that offering bears prayer. Today, we make three.
With the offering of water, we pray for Life for the People.
With the offering of meal, we pray for Food for the People.
With the offering of flowers, we pray for Beauty for the People.
For without these three things—life, sustenance, and inspiration—no People can live and thrive.
Honor and offerings to the Poudre and all our waterways! I'm convinced that part of the ongoing importance of this ritual is that
When I was talking at the Fort Collins, Colorado, Pagan Pride Day on August 24th, I had a similar idea. Then I read that you all i