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Pagan News Beagle: Airy Monday, August 14 2017

A new theme park opens to celebrate one of the world's most beloved animation studios. A look at one of American Gods' versions of Jesus. And a fan film celebrates Neil Gaiman's acclaimed Sandman comic. It's Airy Monday, our segment on magic and religion in popular culture! All this and more for the Pagan News Beagle!

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Skyward Sword and Sacred Marriage

My roommate bought a Wii not too long ago, and the first (and so far only) game he's bought for it is The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. I haven't played much of it beyond the beginning, but the beginning is a fascinating piece of work -- especially to someone looking at it through Pagan eyes.

OK, so, if you haven't played it, or if it's been a while, here's what happens. Link, the nameless, wordless pretty-boy hero of the story, lives in a city in the clouds (but not that Cloud City.) He's training to be a sky knight, or, in other words, a knight who lives in the sky. (Try to keep up.) He rides a gigantic bird and learns sword-fighting and all sorts of other knightly things.

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