Who, then, are the gods of the new pagans?
I would suggest that Two, at least, among Them are revealing Themselves to us even as you read these words.
Not through the mouths of prophets do they speak to us today, but through the hands of artists: a revelation not in words, but in shape and line and color.
Good stuff, Steve. I am also put off by the tendency of some who try to merge all Gods into "One God." Or all Goddesses into "On
Thanks, Greybeard. I'm not sure when Aunt Violet's reductionist dictum about all gods being one god, all goddesses being one godde
Great article Steve! I wish you had included some links to actual art. Here's a couple of paintings that are my take on the Red Go
Next post on how the Goddesses reveal themselves today? Or are the male Gods the primary "icons for our day"?
Never doubt it, Carol. Coming soon (as soon as I can figure out how to load images, anyway), an amazing modern Goddess pendant by