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Pagan News Beagle: Faithful Friday, February 5

Hindus protest display of their gods at Louisiana ball. Muslim leaders in Morocco call for a more considerate and tolerant policy towards religious minorities in Muslim majority countries. And the question of whether humans will every fully divorce themselves is addressed. It's Faithful Friday, our weekly segment on faiths and religious communities from around the world! All this and more for the Pagan News Beagle!

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Pagan News Beagle: Faithful Friday, March 6

The world mourns the loss of beloved actor and director Leonard Nimoy, best known for his role of Spock on the 1960s television series Star Trek, which combined humanistic values, scientific principles, and mystical philosophy to create one of the most popular science fiction franchises. Additionally, religious writers discuss how their faith affects them personally, what it's like to exist as a member of a minority religion, and what non-denominational but spiritually minded people all have in common with one another. All that and more this Faithful Friday.

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PaganNewsBeagle Fiery Tuesday Sept 9

Time for Action! It's Fiery Tuesday and we have stories that will outrage, excite, and illuminate.

This week: religious minorities join forces in odd alliances post #HobbyLobby; the battle over the Wilderness Act; climate change outrage shortage; coastal Maine lobsters feel the pinch of climate change; Nova Scotia bans fracking.

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