Let me tell you something else about witches: we don't hold with self-pity.
Feeling sorry for yourself (and poisoning the lives of those around you with your whining) concedes powerlessness, and that's something else we don't hold with.
Witches don't whine. We do something.
What we do, of course, varies from situation to situation. We specialize in indirection. Witches don't usually go for frontal assault. Instead, we look for a way around. Or under. Or over. Or between.
When you hear that sing-song “poor me” whine start to come into your voice, strangle it at birth.
How much do you know about global warming? A look at the peculiar phenomenon of collective misremembering. And a profile of the EPA's new agency head. It's Earthy Thursday, our segment about science and Earth-related news. All this and more for the Pagan News Beagle!
Indigenous peoples of the far north struggle to preserve their way of life as the climate warms. A massive radio burst from the depth of space offers clues to the nature of the universe. And military leaders urge President Donald Trump to take the issue of global warming seriously. It's Earthy Thursday, our segment on science and Earth-related news. All this and more for the Pagan News Beagle!
You don't have to be an tarot expert to realize that numerology is very strong in both the major and the minor arcana. All the cards are numbered—and every tarot card resonates along with the number that is ascribed to it. Every number has its own frequency, its own vibration. Just ask a musician about the notes and timing of the score.
The major arcana is numbered 0 - 21, and of course 0 is just a placeholder. It's a pause, the place where anything is possible. It's the potential of an idea before that idea comes to mind.
The nature of the leap year is explained. The threat facing bees is examined. And are negative emotions important for your well-being? It's Earthy Thursday, our weekly segment on science and Earth-related news! All this and more for the Pagan News Beagle!
Astronomers run into trouble with native activists in Hawaii. SpaceX paves the way for commercial spaceflight. And an agreement on climate change is reached at Paris. It's Earthy Thursday, our weekly segment on science and Earth-related news! All this and more for the Pagan News Beagle!
For the past 2 years, I've been circulating a Dropbox link to a collection of files containing Jung's Collected Works, which someone had scanned. Unfortunately, the text recognition feature on the scanner was imperfect, which made searching and reading frustrating.
Erin Lale
Asatru and Heathen people from the US started avoiding the term "wight" after an international incident in which a famous author, who should have know...
Steven Posch
Your good will is a light to us all, Janet. Thanks.
If I were a political cartoonist, today's cartoon should show an elephant mounting a donkey.
Gods ...
Iris Soleil De Lis
You missed April Fools Day by quite a margin here. At least I assume this is a joke, because the title is exactly opposite the content that follows. T...
Steven Posch
Poppy Seed or Walnut Filling
Beat 3 egg whites until stiff. (Use yolks in dough.) Mix whole egg with 1/2 cup honey, 1 teaspoon vanilla, and 1 pound gr...
Anthony Gresham
I looked up potica on Google. There are a fair number of recipes out there but I don't see any with poppy seeds and apricots. Could you get your fri...