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Goddess Guide to Dreaming: Prophetic Love Charm

This charm will help you see whether a newfound interest will become long term. Arrange a romantic evening and prepare this amulet for clairvoyance. Gather these supplies:

Small red velvet scarf or pouch

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Quiet Mind Meditation

Try this before you go to bed when you are stressed or have a big day planned so you are calm and ready for anything! The great psychic and healer Edgar Cayce used this blue beauty for achieving remarkable meditative states during which he had astoundingly accurate visions and prophetic dreams. Indeed, azurite helps achieve a high state of mental clarity and powers of concentration. If you can’t find the answer to a problem in the here and now, try looking for solutions on the astral plane. Write the problem down on paper and place it under a small azurite overnight on a windowsill so it collects moonlight.

At 11:11 a.m., lie comfortably in a quiet and darkened room with the azurite stone placed over your third eye on your forehead. Clear your mind of everything for eleven minutes and meditate. Sit up and listen for the first thing that comes into your mind—it should be the answer or a message regarding the issue at hand. Write down the words you receive. The rest of the day you will be in a state of grace and higher mind during which you will hear information and answers to help guide you in many aspects of your life. If you, like me, enjoy this meditation, you may want to do it every day at 11:11 a.m. and every night at 11:11 p.m. I strongly suggest that you keep a journal of these “azurite answers.” You may receive information that you won’t understand until many years have passed, making the journal an invaluable resource and key to your very special life.

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 Real Mount Sinai: The Forgotten Mountain of God – Living Passages

How can you tell if it's really a god talking to you, and not, say, your own subconscious mind?

Here's one useful question to ask.


The Muslim über-prophet Muhammad was well-known for the self-serving nature of his revelations. Whenever a problem would arise in the early 'umma, Muhammad would go up to the mountain and come down again with a divinely-revealed solution.

Guess who Allah always agreed with?

Muhammad's favorite wife 'Aisha once said to him: Isn't it interesting how Allah always backs you in every argument?


How can you tell when it's really a god talking to you?

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Vision Quest: New Moon Conjuring Incense

You can access your prophetic capabilities with a Wednesday incense ritual using:

  • 3 palmfuls ground chicory root

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Speak to us, sir, said the children, of the Battle in the Valley of the Black Pig.

I will, said the poet, and that gladly. For well you remember the words of the poet Yeats, when he said:

A time will come for these people also—he speaks here of the fisher-folk of Ireland—when they will sacrifice a mullet to Artemis, or some other fish to some new divinity, unless indeed their own divinities set up once more their temples of grey stone. Their reign has never ceased, but only waned in power a little, for the Sidhe still pass in every wind, and dance and play at hurley, but they cannot build their temples again till there have been martyrdoms and victories, and perhaps even that long-foretold battle in the Valley of the Black Pig.

We remember them well, they said, and for this reason we ask. Have you heard, then, of this long-foretold battle, and what can you tell us thereof?

I have, replied the poet, but is not its nature clear from the words of the poet? It is the dream of the great battle that shall open the way for the coming-again of the old ways, and the going-down of the new.

Is this then the battle that they call armageddon? they asked.

I do not know, he told them, but we, have we not already seen our armageddon? And lo, we have come through to its other side. Whereas their armageddon still awaits them; though surely, to judge from the times, its day cannot now be long delayed.

And who shall fight this battle? they asked. Will some new king or chieftain arise among us?

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Prompt Prophecies: Crystal Divination

Give your tarot cards a rest and create a one-of-a-kind divination tool: a bag of crystals you can use to do readings.  It is very easy to do.  Collect stones you have picked up on travels, and keep your eye out for crystals as you go about your daily business.  You can gather up relatively inexpensive stones such as garnets, agates, amethysts, and tiny citrines at your favorite metaphysical shop or you can buy them online. (See Resources page 143).  Ideally you have all the stones listed below but you should have at least a dozen to start with.

Select a favorite velvet bag, and when the need arises, turn to crystal visions for your enlightenment.  Most of us cannot afford diamonds in our bag of crystals, so substitute clear quartz here; for emeralds, switch to peridots, and garnets can substitute nicely for rubies.  Some new age stores and online sources also have “rough rubies” and “rough emerald” pieces for just a few dollars each, so it is possible to find these spiritual stones at reasonable prices.

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Posted by on in Paths Blogs

The Voluspa or Prophecy of the Seeress is one of the stories in the Poetic Edda. It predicts Ragnarok, the end of the world, and the universe, and the gods. Scholars of heathenry note that it bears a strong resemblance to the Book of Revelations in the Christian Bible. Some Asatruars believe in the Prophecy and some don't. Among those who believe in it, some place it in the future as written, and some place it in the past.

The Voluspa is a major plot point in the Fireverse. Early on, Odin receives this Prophecy and writes it down and it’s in a book in his library. He spends a lot of time and effort trying to make the next universe come out right, and he tries to follow the Prophecy, embracing prophecy rather than trying to change it. A lot of his actions result from his desire to make the next universe better than this one and set up things in this universe that will result in a better starting place for the next one. Loki reads this book while he’s still a young god and is horrified, but eventually he accepts his role and the necessity of what will happen. He has a chance to derail the prophecy by leaving Asgard before the binding takes place, but he chooses not to, because by that point in the story he has accepted Odin’s viewpoint that the events described in the Prophecy are necessary to make the next universe come out right.He remains in Asgard knowing he will eventually be bound.

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