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Posted by on in Culture Blogs
By the Waters of Avalon

As you may remember from an earlier post, I have come to the Glastonbury Goddess Conference to present my workshop on Deep Grounding. It's a fun workshop and has all that stuff that modern Pagans seem to love--some learning, some technique, some meditation, some toning and some dance. Frosted with a short ritual.

Bazinga, as they say.

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  • Byron Ballard
    Byron Ballard says #
    You're welcome.
  • Jamie
    Jamie says #
    Very interesting. Thanks for sharing!

Posted by on in Culture Blogs


Ares is not a very popular god.  I'd say in a lot of areas he is pretty reviled.  People need to keep in mind that the gods can give or they can take.  Ares is not only the bersker, the bloody warrior, the lover of battle.  He is also the protective father, the defender of the home and land, the policeman.  Some areas would chain his statue as a representation that they wanted him kept close to their home in order to defend it.  If you believe that he is the same as Mars, then he also has agricultural aspects (which makes a lot of sense, since blood is a really good fertilizer).  But today, I'm not here to discuss Ares but to offer a prayer to him.

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