Well, looks to me over here across the border in Canada that the American government is having a meltdown. I feel a bit like a neighbour listening to a domestic dispute in the next house over. It’s loud. Things are crashing around. People are screaming; people are crying. I want to help, but I don’t know what to do. Should I call the police? I don’t think there’s any police I can call! Should I go over there and knock on the door to protect the people getting injured? I suppose I can roundly condemn the abusive person who’s starting the fight, but it’s not like my neighbours listened when I tried to convince them not to marry the jerk in the first place, so why do I think they’ll listen to me now? I’ve done this much; I’ve tried to keep an extra bedroom open in case it’s needed.
Thanks for sharing your Canadian perspective on the mosque shooting. I always enjoy reading your stuff. It's fascinating to see N
I love the "middle daughter" analogy. By speaking up, you *are* doing something. Just keep speaking up! And anyone can watch C
Oy, late reply. Thanks! That's good to hear, to be reminded of. Oh, awesome! Thanks for the link!
Agree 100% with all this! Except to try to clarify that not all Americans are the gross, abusive assholes that keep speaking up, t