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BRIDGE or INNER CHILD CRYSTAL - Bridge between worlds or to your innermost Self

This week we'll discuss the metaphysical properties of Bridge or Inner Child crystals. With all of these descriptions, it is my intention that you come away understanding how you might choose one crystal type over another to incorporate into your spell-work, meditation or rituals.

Here is the description I give about Bridge/Inner Child crystals in my book Understanding the Crystal People:

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BARNACLE  CRYSTALS - ‘new souls’ attracted to ‘old soul’ energy

Last time I promised to begin our next discussion with Barnacles. Before I talk about Barnacles specifically, though, let's talk about how these metaphysical characteristics work. I have been doing a lot of meditating on this, and asked my crystal guide, Venus, for clarity, primarily in how to describe this concept of Metaphysical Descriptions to you. Following is information received from Venus over a period of days, and in italics is where she popped in as I was compiling my thoughts.

While the crystal configurations and shapes which have been named by many are a good way to generally categorize these configurations, it can be misleading, because people may think that if a shape or structure implies this or that (via the name or description), that magically, simply by obtaining one of these specially named crystals, the desired outcome will be achieved.

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