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Astrological Herbology: What Are Your Power Flowers?

You can also choose the herbs for your magical workings, your home and garden as well as your altar based on your sun or moon sign.  Explore making tinctures, incense, oils, potpourri, and other magical potions for your rituals using celestial correspondences. For example, if the new moon is in Aries when you are performing an attraction ritual, try using peppermint or fennel, two herbs sacred to the sign of the Ram. If you are creating a special altar for the time during which the sun is in the sign of Cancer, use incense oils, teas, and herbs corresponding to that astrological energy, including jasmine and lemon. These correspondences create a synthesis of energies that adds to the effectiveness of your magical work.


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PaganNewsBeagle Magical Monday April 6

Howdy Beagle fans! Today we've got an installment of our occasional Magickal Monday series, in which we bring you stories of witchcraft, conjure, and all kinds of magick! A new shrine for Marie Laveau; the link between Voudou and traditional Haitian foods; L Ron Hubbard: magician?; capitalist magic?; garden magic for spring.

In light of the recent restrictions on visiting her tomb, the unveiling of a new shrine dedicated to Marie Laveau in New Orleans is cause for celebration for many.

This post describes the links between Voudou and traditional Haitian foods, as well as commenting on the legacy of colonialism (past and present) and its affect on Voudon practice.

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Posted by on in SageWoman Blogs

Maybe it would have been more appropriate to invoke Maeve or Mebh for Midsummer. But this is a Celtic roundhouse built in a magical woodland garden by a Smyth.  Brighid, as we know, looks out for all smiths, even those with a y in their name. The man had the vision as well as the craft. Between them, Tina and Johnny have made some magic on their land that lies a country mile from the Shannon Pot, where the River Shannon rises in Ireland.


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