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Let Love Flow: Binding Ink Spell

If you are lucky enough to live in the country or near a wild and weedy meadow, you can easily find pokeberries. Though poisonous when eaten, these magenta berries make wonderful homemade ink. You can imbue this wine-colored ink with magical powers with this simple spell.

During a waning moon, fill a vial with dark red ink and add the juice from the crushed pokeberries. Add a few drops of burgundy wine from the bottom of your love’s glass and one drop of a fruited essential oil such as apple blossom, apricot, or peach.

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Seeking and Finding Love Spell

On a small piece of paper, write the name of your would-be love in red ink and roll up the scroll. Anoint the paper with rose or amber essential oil. Tie the scroll with red threads, incanting one line of the following spell per knot:

One to seek my love, one to find my love,

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Lucky in Love: Asian Secrets for Optimal Chi

Your chi is your life’s energy, and it is of the greatest importance in your home and your bedroom, where you rest and where the center of love in your life is located. This feng shui for the bedroom will prevent problems before they even happen! Fill your home with the energy of love and happiness with some of the simplest and most effective magic of all by creating sacred and safe space for yourself and your loved ones.

Never bring old pillows into a new home! Old pillows can cause poor sleep and bad dreams, and they can kill a relationship. Old pillows can carry sexual energy, too.

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Anointing the Temple of Love: A Bed Blessing
Anoint your bed with this special charm:
  • Red cup or gothic goblet
  • Jasmine and rose essential oils
In your goblet, mix a half-teaspoon of jasmine oil and a half-teaspoon of rose oil. Hold it with both hands and speak these words:
In this bed, I show my love.
In this bed, I share my body.
In this bed, I give my heart.
In this bed, we are as one.
Here lies my happiness as I give and live in total joy.
Blessed be to me and thee.


As you say, “Blessed be,” flick drops of your bed blessing oil from your fingers all across the bed until the cup is empty. Now, lie down and roll around in the bed. After all, that is what it is for!

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Romance Roma Style: Heart Herbs

The folklore of the Romani people is replete with love magic, charms, and enchantments. The way to a person’s heart can truly be a dish of delight spiced up with magical herbs. Gather up:

• Rye
• Pimento

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Goddess Guide to Dreaming: Prophetic Love Charm

This charm will help you see whether a newfound interest will become long term. Arrange a romantic evening and prepare this amulet for clairvoyance. Gather these supplies:

  • Small red velvet scarf or pouch
  • Lavender, thyme, cinnamon, and cloves
  • 1 vanilla bean pod
  • Jasmine essential oil


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