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A Chance Encounter with Mythology in the Garden

Magic that takes place in the garden doesn’t always have to do with plants and you never know what you might find. While weeding around some lilies in my garden the other morning, I did a double take for what I thought at first was a spent flower that had dropped and landed on a leaf. On closer inspection, I saw that it was a moth. Its markings were less than remarkable until he moved one of his wings revealing a splotch of red color and a hind wing eye spot that was very owl like. Unfortunately, I wasn’t quick enough to snap a picture of that.
        Curious about my garden visitor, I did some research and found that it is an io moth (Automeris io) also known as the peacock moth. An earlier name for it was Hyperchiria lilith, which had been based on a series of female moths with reddish-brown forewings. The only link between the moth and Lilith is that in many stories she was said to have had red hair. Even though I liked the little male moth I found, I was liking his species even more.
        The current species name comes from Greek mythology. Io was the first priestess of the goddess Hera. Io is also known as the cow goddess because Zeus turned her into a heifer in an attempt to hide her from the wrath of his wife. Of course, Hera knew everything that was going on in Olympus and elsewhere. Fleeing from the mighty goddess, Io eventually ended up in Egypt where she regained her human form. The Greeks identified Io with Isis. Interestingly, because corn is an occasional host plant for io moth larvae, early twentieth-century naturalist Gene Stratton-Porter called it “Hera of the Corn.”
        At any rate, since moths are mostly nocturnal and elusive, they may go unnoticed for magic. However, because they are active at night they are especially helpful for dream work and contacting spirits. As for symbolism: attracted to a candle flame, the moth represents the soul seeking truth as well as transcendence. It is also regarded as a symbol of knowledge. Associated with the moon, the moth is a perfect symbol for an esbat altar and lunar magic.
       Invite the energy of the moth for spell work, especially for defense. It can aid in understanding omens and messages received through divination. In addition to being considered an oracle, the moth was often regarded as a witch in European folklore. With the symmetry in its patterns and shape, the moth represents balance and can help restore equilibrium when life gets out of whack.


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More on Lilith in Astrology

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  • Catt Foy
    Catt Foy says #
    Yes, in part. You may also want to consider the placement of Lilith in the 7th house, which is similar to Lilith in Libra. The t
  • m
    m says #
    My Lilith moon is in Pisces in the 7th House so does that mean,the meaning apply's to my 7th house (the house of marriage partner
Welcome and Let’s Learn About Lilith in Astrology

Welcome to my first column on PaganSquare! First, a little about me. I have been a practicing professional psychic and astrologer since 1978. I have been a professional freelance writer and photographer since 1981 and I am the author of Psycards—A New Alternative to Tarot and am the current CEO of Psycards USA. In this blog we will explore a wide range of topics of spiritual, paranormal, pagan, etc., interest. I am interested in many paths and ways to experience Spirit in my daily life. If you have questions or are curious about anything mystical, metaphysical or magical, please email your questions to me at cattfoy@gmail.comand I will try to answer all requests in future postings.

This week, I would like to share some information on understanding the placement of Lilith in a birth chart.

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  • Orlando
    Orlando says #
    Your timing on this article is absolutely impeccable. Considering I have been going round and round and round with certain, I'm no
  • Klara Adalena
    Klara Adalena says #
    Thank you Catt! Lilith is calling us to connect to what is underground. I also have a blog on Lilith, which shares more about how

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