Nowadays, you can find really cool notebooks and blank journals so many places and I admit I like to get ones for a dollar from the stores named after the dollar. Wither it is a pharmacy, a stationary ship or a box box stores, may options are there for you to then make your own. The really great thing is that all these stores also have glitter, cool pens, ribbons and stickers galore so you can customize dream journal to look exactly like you want it. My latest one has stickers of crystals- amethyst, topaz, red garnet and many more and I took a purple amethyst-colored glitter pen to create s swirly and cool-looking My Dream Journal on the cover of the notebook. What are your favorite colors or those hues that symbolizes imagination and the domain of dreams to you? Go for it and really decorate and bling it up so that your love it and it clearly represents you and what you like.
I keep it on my nightstand with a purple-inked pen and write down my dreams when I wake up. Even the very ordinary dreams that seem a bit boring go in there. What was amazing is that, after month, some patterns were revealed as an old friend I had not talked to for years and year kept appearing in my dream. Once I saw that from reviewing my dream notes, I contacted her and it turned out that she was having a bit life challenge and was overjoyed to hear from me. She also like hearing that she was in my dreams and said she loved knowing that she “was on my mind.” It is true! She was and I only discovered that because I recorded the dreams I remembered upon waking.
There is a belief that we can communicate with loved ones when they have left this earthly plane. They may come to us in the form of a bird, the sudden smell of roses in a room they enjoyed or visit us in a dream. This is the ideal moment, when the veil is the thinnest, to make contact, to enjoy their company, to listen to the messages that they may wish to impart.
Sometime ago, I dreamt that I was a giant squid playing with the other squids in the blue ocean. Wiggling my tentacles, I had fun jetting from here to there. When I woke up, I pondered what Giant Squid had wanted to tell me
While pondering my dream, I understood that Giant Squid wanted me to play more. Moreover, She came to remind me to be more flexible. With my brain injury, I have become a fixed thinker. Since it takes me a long time to do my chores, I tend to focus solely on getting them done. Giant Squid decided to enter my dreams to have me become more fluid in my waking life. She told me to zoom away from housework and go play.
Amongst Wiccans and Witches, a book of shadows—often referred to as a BOS—is usually a collection of texts used in rituals, such as ritual scripts and stage directions, poetry and songs, spells, invocations, techniques and teachings, recipes, and sometimes ritual notes or journal entries. These items can be bound in an actual book, written into a blank book, stored in three-ring binders, or kept as Word or PDF files. We use the somewhat old-school “Great Green Three-Ringed Binder of the Arte” because it’s easy to rearrange pages and I don’t want to spill candle wax on a tablet. Everything in our circles seems to end up with wax on it. Some people even choose to write their books in calligraphy to infuse the book with their personal energy.
Types of Books of Shadows
There’s no one right way to keep a BOS, but they tend to fall into one of three categories.
My Women’s Sacred Circle has begun a new year with a different plan, and it was a great opportunity for me to jump back in after a busy summer. They split it into two monthly meetings. One is to be similar to what we had been doing, which was like a book club, where we will be reading Caroline Myss’ “Sacred Contracts” (last year it focused on Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés’ “Women Who Run With The Wolves” which is a favorite of mine) and keeping a journal for the work we do in that book. The other meeting will be a moon circle on the night of the full moon, where we will do ritual together and discuss the symbolism of that month’s moon. Last month it was the Hunter’s Moon. :) We will also be keeping a moon journal for this meeting.
Steven Posch
Your good will is a light to us all, Janet. Thanks.
If I were a political cartoonist, today's cartoon should show an elephant mounting a donkey.
Gods ...
Iris Soleil De Lis
You missed April Fools Day by quite a margin here. At least I assume this is a joke, because the title is exactly opposite the content that follows. T...
Steven Posch
Poppy Seed or Walnut Filling
Beat 3 egg whites until stiff. (Use yolks in dough.) Mix whole egg with 1/2 cup honey, 1 teaspoon vanilla, and 1 pound gr...
Anthony Gresham
I looked up potica on Google. There are a fair number of recipes out there but I don't see any with poppy seeds and apricots. Could you get your fri...