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Creating Sacred Space with Pagan Prison Inmates - I

Why We Work in a Sacred Circle

Some non-witchen Pagans have criticized Witches and Wiccans who do interfaith work and in other ways represent the Pagan movement and Pagan religions in secular situations for what they consider to be witchen-centrism, for want of a better term.  In the next few blogs I’ll attempt to describe the reality of the situation, and why I, ostensibly serving a Wiccan circle, in reality am about as eclectic as one can be.  First, the setting…

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Posted by on in Studies Blogs

As a product of the counterculture, I tend to mistrust and avoid institutions.  I suspect this is a common attitude among “first generation”[1] NeoPagans in the U.S.  We found existing institutions, be they religious, educational, or governmental, to be oppressive, unfulfilling, and irrelevant to the conditions of the world in which we found ourselves.

Let’s face it: established religions such as Christianity in its many forms, were created and gained ascendency in other times and places.  There was no threat of nuclear annihilation, no looming environmental degradation, no water shortage, no organ transplants, no vaccinations against such diseases as smallpox and polio.  Those religions addressed the concerns of the peoples in other times and places.  Further, few of these religious institutions adapted to changing circumstances.  Nowadays some are trying to be more relevant, often by adopting practices, such as involving lay people in their rituals and dancing during worship. 

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  • Marissa  Bomgardner
    Marissa Bomgardner says #
    Are the inmates allowed the fake tealight candles that are battery operated? That's what my group used on the carrier (USS John C
  • Samuel Wagar
    Samuel Wagar says #
    I believe that people vote with their wallets. They vote to buy Pagan bling and to go to short-term Pagan communities / festivals
  • David Oliver Kling
    David Oliver Kling says #
    Institutions are important and Pagans need to raise their collective "self-esteem" and step out into the world holding their heads
  • Christopher Blackwell
    Christopher Blackwell says #
    I think we need more books on the subject of practice in a prison setting. Most ceremony and practice can be done with little or n
  • Judith Laura
    Judith Laura says #
    Aline: At your request I'm reposting my comment from FB slightly edited) that was in response to another person's request for info

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