Well, well. The mills of the gods may grind slowly, but they grind exceeding fine.
The political future of Governor Blackface of Virginia now lies in the hands (O happy irony) of the Virginia Legislative Black Caucus.
Of course, I don't get a vote here. But if I did, here's what I would be tempted to say.
Dear Governor Blackface:
Your callous actions in the 1980s were despicable in their casual racism, and you are right to be ashamed of them.
We take you at your word that you regret your actions. For this reason we will continue to work with you as governor, to make the best decisions that we can for the people of Virginia.
Please be aware, however, that as we do so, we will be watching you closely.
Extremely closely.
Yours most sincerely, etc.
Then, of course, he'll owe them bigtime.
I'm from Virginia; the story isn't over yet, it just keeps coming. Not only did the governor do blackface according to yesterday'
This is turning out to be a more complicated issue than it looks. I was listening to a Public Radio show discussing this blackface