Cemeteries, graveyards and churches
We probably all use the words graveyard and cemetery as interchangeable but they are slightly different.
...PaganSquare is a community blog space where Pagans can discuss topics relevant to the life and spiritual practice of all Pagans.
Today's Earthy Thursday feed from the Pagan News Beagle includes a preview of gorgeous autumn colors; wild nature invades the city; trying to catch that Icelandic volcano; get buried, feed a tree; tending graves for Samhain.
Autumn colors transform the landscape -- here's a preview slideshow of the glory ahead.
We have this thing we do in the South. It's called Homecoming but what it really is is a chance for reprobates and prodigals to return to the church of their wasted youth and to be welcomed home. There is always a huge spread--fried chicken and homemade cakes and eleventy kinds of deviled eggs and potato salad.
The preacher prays over the food and at the drop of a hat. Gardeners and farmers head out to the churchyard and clean up weeds around the old headstones. There is singing and working and gossiping and visiting and tea so sweet it makes your teeth ache.