Several years ago, I went through a phase where I woke up at 4 am, no matter what time I went to bed. I had just moved after a difficult breakup and was wholly unsettled. My coworkers, who were such kind people that they published the Random Acts of Kindness books, probably noticed as I became more fatigued and bedraggled but said nothing. This went on for many weeks. Finally, I mentioned to my boss I was having sleep disruptions and she said, “Oh, 4 am; the hour of anxiety.” She had experienced the same which, in her case, was due to hypervigilence where she could not “shut down” and going over her to-list in her mind, etc A brilliant Buddhist, she noted her spiritual practice was her path to restored health and deep rest. In this instance, I knew my path could do the same for me. And it has. I pondered the wisdom of my Aunt Edie and the hedge witches of yore and realized I had gotten away from my roots. I was a farm girl yet I was spending zero time outdoors. I started going for daily walks in Golden Gate Park, unpacked my witchy tools, oil and teas and got some herb post growing on the windowsills and stoop of my tiny new apartment dwelling, I self-soothed with these simple steps. It was not overnight but, soon enough, I was sleeping through the night, awakening refreshed. Sleep itself is healing and these remedies will keep you rested and rosy!
Respite Rite: A Good Night’s Sleep Herbs