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Whether you want a teacher of magic, marketing, or anything else, here are seven helpful hints:

1) When a teacher has a site, consider the following. If the site’s graphics speak to your heart, the offerings sound perfect, the sales pitch is passionate, and the testimonials rock, that is great. I hope it describes my site! But it is not enough. The truth is in the pudding: Is there content on the site, such as a blog that helps you achieve your goals? If not, the classes may be just as empty. 
2) “$3000 worth of services for only $200!” might represent a great buy. Or it can mislead. What’s the point in spending even $10 on a lot of stuff, if all of it is garbage? 
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  • Bee Smith
    Bee Smith says #
    This is just so sound on so many levels! Have shared.
  • Francesca De Grandis
    Francesca De Grandis says #
    Bee, thank you so much for both your kind words and the share. Blessings on your day.
  • Arwen Lynch
    Arwen Lynch says #
    Meant to also say that this is an excellent post.
  • Francesca De Grandis
    Francesca De Grandis says #
    Thanks, hon, glad you think so.
  • Arwen Lynch
    Arwen Lynch says #
    And ask to actually speak/email/communicate with some of their glowing references. I could put on my page "Arwen is the bomb diggi

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