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Posted by on in Culture Blogs

Europa - World History Encyclopedia 

An Open Letter


Dear Andras Corban-Arthen,

I'm looking forward to hearing your presentations at Paganicon 2023 this year; I've long been an admirer of your work.

Really, though? “Indians”?


Indians of Old Europe

European paganism never died out completely – to this day, ethnic survivals of traditional pagan practices can still be found in remote areas of Eastern and Western Europe. Andras has spent over 40 years seeking out such surviving traditions, and in this workshop he will discuss the nature and scope of some of those practices, how they managed to survive, and the striking similarities they share with indigenous spiritualities from other parts of the world. The presentation will also include slides of people and places, as well as a short video.


I get it, I get it. As “Indians” are to the Americas, so “pagans” are to Europe. Indigenous Americans, Indigenous Europeans. For all its inherent limitations, it's a useful analogy.

Still, “Indians”?

Well, I don't know about the Berkshire highlands of western Massachusetts, but around here in the Paleozoic Plateau's upper Mississippi Valley—historic Dakota country—there are still lots of Indigenous/First Nations people, our elders in the Land. These folks are our friends, our neighbors, and our kin, and I think you should know that at least some of them—for reasons that should be pretty obvious—find the term “Indian” more than a little objectionable.

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Ariadne's Tribe Family of Deities: The Horned Ones

This is one in a series about finding our deities in Minoan art. You can find the full list of posts in this series here.

Today we're going to focus on the Horned Ones: the Minoan gods and goddesses who take the form of horned animals - cattle, goats, and deer - and where we can find them in Minoan art. They come in god/goddess pairs: the Minotaur and Europa, the Minocapros and Amalthea, the Minelathos and Britomartis.

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Posted by on in Culture Blogs

First there was Brexit: the departure of Britain from the European Union.

Then there was Grexit: the proposed departure of Greece from the EU.

So what would you call it if all the witches of Europe threatened to hop broom and fly?

What else but Hexit?

Now, why would the witches of Europe threaten to leave Eurostan, for the first time in human history, witchless?

(Witchless. Now there's an adjective for you.)

Well, not being a European witch myself, I couldn't say. EU-wide recognition as an indigenous people with a right to our own ways and religious practice? Return of all properties historically associated with witches?

Whatever the reason, the results could, of course, only be catastrophic. With no witches left to turn the Wheel, the climate-change-induced meteorological extremes that we're currently experiencing would look like a picnic in the park by comparison. Certainly agricultural output could be expected to plummet disastrously.

So look out Europe. If you think Brexit is a mess, just wait till Hexit.

And just where would all those hundreds of thousands of European witches go if Hexit were indeed to become a reality?

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Posted by on in Paths Blogs
My Cup Runneth Over: A Ritual for Abundance

This little prosperity/abundance ritual comes from my book Ancient Spellcraft.

My Cup Runneth Over

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  • Francesca De Grandis
    Francesca De Grandis says #
    Oh my, Laura, I was delighted to see this post and love the job you did with it. For decades, been channeling rituals with milk an
  • Laura Perry
    Laura Perry says #
    Thanks very much for your kind words. Yes, we really have missed out on a lot of really powerful symbolism and connection by remov
Pagan News Beagle: Earthy Thursday, August 11

Israel makes major advances in desalinization technology, improving access to water. Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton team up for action on climate change. And futurists imagine how cities might be "built" from living organisms. It's Earthy Thursday, our weekly segment on science and Earth-related news! All this and more for the Pagan News Beagle!

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