....She paused just in front of the archway, light now flooding out and around her. She had been trained to wait, patiently and when it was time, she would accept the challenge of entry and the change of recognition would begin. She felt the weight of this offer of entry and remembered the love she felt from the Great Mother those many aeons ago as she whispered to X'anyuae, "you have been chosen. Your life will forever change if you come to me. You must come to me freely and trust in my wisdom as you learn and grow in your power. May your Will choose wisely."
The following is a story I wrote almost five years ago and posted to my first blog, The Magickal Pen. I love to read the works of Dion Fortune, and especially am intrigued by her use of fiction as a tome of teaching the mysteries. She is not the only author who makes use of this vehicle for studies and so, as one who seeks inspiration from many sources, I thought I would give it a try.
I have waited until what I believed to be the right moment to share it again and to a broader audience and now seems to "it". There are so many things at this point in time that are pulling us in many directions and the footing and foundations that we may have worked so carefully at being the staples of our spiritual diets may be shifting and uneasy. So, we need to find new ways of engaging our learning and be open and receptive to all that can serve as lessons along our chosen paths. Maybe all that is needed to renew and shore up those foundations is a foray into a world of creation and fiction that might turn a key to a new awakening within. You be the judge....
Can't wait to see what happens next. Thanks for sharing, Tasha
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Your good will is a light to us all, Janet. Thanks.
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