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Today we're going to talk about Growth Interference which is a condition in which a crystal changes shapes as it grows due to the presence of another mineral which acts as an obstruction. These shapes might be squares and triangles, and more often than not, it looks like a buzz saw was taken to the crystal. Sometimes there is a little bit of mineral left in part of the crevasses.

Here are some crystals with the buzz-saw type of Growth Interference:

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Posted by on in SageWoman Blogs
Happy Earth Day 2015! Gaia's Mantle

Starlight and brilliance of
Sun's solar flare
White and golden red
Woven tapestry of
Jet black Cosmos.

Green and brown
Of fertile land
Blue of sun kissed
Watery basin.

Rainbow of color
Spread across
Pattern of cloth
Textured and etched
In crystal and stone.

Blackness of heated striation
Of rock's core as gentle bud
Pushes upward towards sun's
Radiant blessing as Gaia sheds
Her parched skin and dons Spring's
Celestial mantle of lusty fertility.

This post is excerpted from my online course, A year and a Day on the Wiccan Path. It was part of the lesson focusing on The Natural World and seemed most fitting in celebration of Earth Day 2015. Enjoy!

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ETCHED Crystals and Sacred SIGILS - Surface features with special energies

This week we’ll be discussing Etching on crystals which falls under the category of surface features. Before we can discuss what surface features are, you need to know how to see them.

etched crystal

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ELESTIAL CRYSTALS - Connect with angelic energies

This week we’ll be discussing Elestial crystals which is a crystal type that falls into the category of crystals' overall shape, such as Curved. This means we aren't counting edges of faces, looking at surface features or otherwise looking at PARTS of a crystal, but we are looking at the overall shape of the crystal.

Elestial crystals are described as crystals which "have natural terminations over the body and face of an etched and/or layered crystal". So, what does that mean? Simply, that they really aren't in the shape of a traditional point. They are layered all over with self-healed looking surfaces.

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BRIDGE or INNER CHILD CRYSTAL - Bridge between worlds or to your innermost Self

This week we'll discuss the metaphysical properties of Bridge or Inner Child crystals. With all of these descriptions, it is my intention that you come away understanding how you might choose one crystal type over another to incorporate into your spell-work, meditation or rituals.

Here is the description I give about Bridge/Inner Child crystals in my book Understanding the Crystal People:

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BARNACLE  CRYSTALS - ‘new souls’ attracted to ‘old soul’ energy

Last time I promised to begin our next discussion with Barnacles. Before I talk about Barnacles specifically, though, let's talk about how these metaphysical characteristics work. I have been doing a lot of meditating on this, and asked my crystal guide, Venus, for clarity, primarily in how to describe this concept of Metaphysical Descriptions to you. Following is information received from Venus over a period of days, and in italics is where she popped in as I was compiling my thoughts.

While the crystal configurations and shapes which have been named by many are a good way to generally categorize these configurations, it can be misleading, because people may think that if a shape or structure implies this or that (via the name or description), that magically, simply by obtaining one of these specially named crystals, the desired outcome will be achieved.

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Posted by on in Culture Blogs

Crystal configurations are varied and many. What do I mean by "configuration"? Crystal configurations are the different shapes of quartz crystal, named according to:

Facets (placement, number of edges) such as:

Transmitter, Dow, Channeler or Channeling, Isis, Eight Sided Face and Windows;


Projections (crystals penetrating one another) such as:

Inner Child, Bridge and Manifestation;

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