With this blissful combination of oils, you can summon the spirit of love and harmony any day of the year. Amber, rose, and sandalwood essential essences create a sensual scent that lingers on your skin for hours.
6 tablespoons almond oil
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Light My Fire: DIY Massage Candles
Making massage candles is very similar to making any other type of potted candle. I recommend using soy wax as it is so gentle on the skin. Soy is also nice and soft, so it melts easily and stays together in a puddle after melting and can be reused for us thrifty crafters. It won’t irritate your skin unless you have a soy allergy; if you have an allergy to soy, you can use beeswax instead, which is widely used. (For example, beeswax is in nearly every single Burt’s Bees product.) The addition of the oils prevents it from hardening again and enables your skin to absorb it. Essential oils or cosmetic-grade fragrance oils are also added to create a soothing atmosphere. All soap-making fragrances, which are also soy candle safe, are perfect choices for scenting your massage candles. Try the basic directions below to make your first candle. For every three ounces of wax, you’ll add one ounce of liquid oil and one-quarter ounce of fragrance. I suggest making two candles in four-ounce metal tins while you master this craft.
These essential oils are excellent choices for anointing lamps as well as yourself. If you are anointing yourself, you need to use a carrier oil; dilute one part essential oil with three parts carrier oil. I recommend almond oil as it adds to the sensuality without overwhelming the other scents. Before a tryst, take a hot bath and then anoint yourself after you step out of the water. Slather the enchanted essential oil over your entire body and rub it into your skin. You are now ready for a lust-filled evening.
Have you noticed how after a dispute the bad feelings seem to hang in the air like a dark cloud? Well, they do! The energy rift is palpable, especially to witches. Banish that negative energy as soon as possible to allow new energy to flow in. Go to your nearest herbal apothecary and get some vervain and bergamot. Make an infusion by gently boiling the mixture with distilled or spring water. When it has cooled completely, sprinkle it around the room, making sure to thoroughly douse the corners.
Afterward leave your windows and doors open for at least twelve hours and, if possible, stay out of the room for the same amount of time. When you walk back in, the room will feel calmer and more grounded.
The time you take to restore yourself is precious. Morning is the optimal time to perform a self-blessing, which will help you maintain both your physical health and provide an emotional boost each and every day. Take a bundle of dried lavender grown in your kitchen garden or from a purveyor of organic herbs and place it into a muslin sack. Knead the lavender three times and breathe in the calming scent. Beginning at the top of your head, your crown chakra, pass the pouch all the way down to your feet, gently touching your other sacred chakras: throat, solar plexus, stomach and pelvis. Holding the lavender bag over your heart, speak aloud:
Gone are sorrows, illness and woe;