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American Kleptocracy

Why has Luigi Mangione, slayer of healthcare CEO what's-his-name, become a modern-day folk-hero?

Easily told.

He's cute.

Yes, Americans really are this superficial. So were the ancient Greeks.

People love the beautiful. Studies show again and again that the good-looking regularly receive better grades and lighter sentences than the rest of us.

Is this really news to anyone?

People hate the American healthcare industry.

We hate its greed, we hate its unfairness, we hate its untouchability. Get sick, risk financial ruin.

We're sick of a so-called “healthcare” industry that actually prioritizes profit over care.

With its uncaring, (literal) life-and-death power over us all, why in the world wouldn't we?

People hate the corporate takeover of America.

Corporations run America, and we hate it. Why in the world wouldn't we?

It's even official, now that the president elect, himself a convicted criminal, is appointing his fellow kleptocrats to “legally” run things.

Even supposed left-leaning billionaires like Mark Zuckerberg are now lining up to—you'll pardon my Yiddish—lekh Trump im tukhis.*

Of course we hate it.

People are sick of having no recourse.

Americans have lost confidence in a bought-and-paid-for “justice” system from which the wealthy can buy any verdict they like.

When even the Supreme Court is corrupt, what other recourse is there?

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  • Steven Posch
    Steven Posch says #
    The Way of the Strongman, the Way of the Goon. Gods help us.
  • Anthony Gresham
    Anthony Gresham says #
    Russian oligarchs who displeased Putin accidentally fell out the windows of tall buildings. Chinese oligarchs who displeased chai

Posted by on in Paths Blogs
I am Bear, I am Wolf: Anger Meditation

Unexpected angering news waited for me on the internet on Sunday. I had been having such a great day. I had finally gotten to see my companion and organize his stuff for him at his care center, after having to just deliver his mail and supplies to the front door of his care center for months, due to pandemic restrictions. While I was clearing out a pile of months' worth of old magazines one of the workers mentioned it had gotten so big it tipped over on the workers a few times, so I suspect they may have allowed me in to organize his space because of that. Regardless, it had been really nice to finally see him in person.

I had come home, tested my blood sugar to see if it was safe to get in the pool before eating, and it was not, so I devoured a home grown pear first. Let me tell you about this pear. It was perfect. Soft, juicy, sweet but not insipidly so, everything a pear should be. I had a nice swim, and then a good lunch, and signed into the net thinking "Oh, I'll just check my messages and then log some work hours in at my new job." (I had recently started a new job on top of my writing career and my home business doing life management / property management, and of course my gythia duties and service to the heathen community but that's volunteer work. I had also recently given up my home business dyeing fabric because of my failing grip strength.) My friends, nothing good ever comes from "Oh, I'll just."

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Posted by on in Paths Blogs
Anger is Sticky

I'm preparing to receive my Reiki II attunement, and I've been thinking a lot lately about anger.

There are countless things in my life that make me angry right now. My kids drive me up the wall. My husband leaves messes in the kitchen. I don't particularly like my day job, but I haven't yet figured out how to quit it and still pay the mortgage. My back hurts a lot. Also, we're in the middle of a late capitalist apocalypse.

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Posted by on in SageWoman Blogs
Unfreezer Spell

Even if you avoid a lot of print and social media. Even if you don't own a television with cable news. Even if you have wifi at the whim of the fairies who ration your streaming. Even if, with all these provisos, you would have to live in an underground bunker to have missed the terrible news that the solar eclipse is bringing into the light.

And if you care about the treatment of children. Or if you just care about human beings. If you are a woman who has learned that certain powerful people who are employees of a government department are creating memes where a Member of the House of Representatives is felating them...because humiliation is what really rocks their rocks off in a secret Facebook group.

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Posted by on in SageWoman Blogs
Day After Election

Today I will not give up.

I acknowledge my terror,
but I will not give up.
I acknowledge my anger,
but I will not give up.
I acknowledge my sense of hopelessness,
but I will not give up.

I will feel my terror, anger, and hopelessness,
but I will not let them be my permanent home.

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  • Anthony Gresham
    Anthony Gresham says #
    I say my prayers alone.
  • Francesca De Grandis
    Francesca De Grandis says #
    Thank you. Yes, I say my morning prayers alone too. And I have prayers I say later in the day with other people. Everyone is so un
  • Carol P. Christ
    Carol P. Christ says #
  • Francesca De Grandis
    Francesca De Grandis says #
    Aw, thanks so much, Carol!
  • Anthony Gresham
    Anthony Gresham says #
    Thank you so much for sharing this. If I can get my printer to work I will print out a copy and add it too my cycle of morning pr

Posted by on in SageWoman Blogs

For the second time in just a few weeks, a Goddess carrying a message of embracing my anger has come to visit. While it's a bit jarring, after spending last week contemplating inspiring art, just a little reflection made it clear to me that my anger often is the source of my inspiration. As an activist and advocate for a variety of social justice causes, it is often anger at injustice that sparks me to words and action. This in so many ways does not square with what we are taught about being "good women." After all, a "good woman" is never angry, takes things in stride, is always smiling and compliant. One of the biggest strawman arguments in the world is that of the "Angry Feminist" who is humorless and always raging incoherently at the latest imagined slight. What this ignores, of course, is that women and other marginalized groups often have very real, valid reasons for our anger, and have the right to express it. Anger, in short, is not always a negative emotion -- it can spur us to positive action, open dialogue, and facilitate healing when we learn how to work with it.

And so it is that Pele, Hawaiian volcano Goddess, comes dancing into my life this week, from the cards of my Goddess Inspiration Oracle:

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Posted by on in Culture Blogs

b2ap3_thumbnail_566px-The_face_of_an_angry_man._Drawing_18th_century_-_after_C_Wellcome_V0009329ER.jpg“If you’re not angry, you’re not paying attention.” has been a trope since the 60s. The desire to change the world is something I understand. I want my fellow humans to be happy, healthy, and productive; creating and inventing, and following where the heart and intuition lead. But I have to ask if anger is really the best way to change the world. Certainly it provides energy that can move people forward through difficult challenges, and it helps people support personal boundaries, and can be an indicator of where those are located. But I’m not convinced this approach is the most effective largely because constant anger is horrific for the body.

Anger is a stress response. From a physical stand point, anger and fear provoke the same biological actions in the body. Coritisol is released in the blood. This hormone circulates, causing the heart to speed up and breathing to increase so that you will have enough oxygen to act. Blood thickens so that if there is an injury we will be less likely to bleed to death. Body chemistry changes so that fats and sugars are not stored and will be available for fight or flight. All of these responses will slowly kill us if we spend all our time living in them. And this eventually leads to burn out and perhaps worse.

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  • Joanna van der Hoeven
    Joanna van der Hoeven says #
    A world of yes. Great post. x

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