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Posted by on in Paths Blogs

I’m going to take a break from the physical descriptions of structures at White Mountain Druid Sanctuary and talk some about possible personal experiences there.  Part of what is really exciting about modern paganism is that there is not usually much tradition or dogma about how one should believe.  In ADF, we focus on practice - do rituals whether public or solitary.  Bring the mind’s attention in line with the Kindreds.  We have a specific structure to our rituals with 18 core points to hit.  However, this is the limit of the structure.  In other words, what you experience in your own mind and heart is your business.


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Posted by on in Paths Blogs
Give Me Three Fires


Give me three Fires
Point the corners
To the edges
Of the world

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Posted by on in Culture Blogs


Next up in my tributes to the Gods placed in the atheist graveyard, I honor Janus, Divine Doorkeeper.  Yet I've already written about him once as Janus, God of Libraries, so below I leave you with an interesting excerpt of Ovid's Fasti (Book 1):  

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Everyone loves to trade early Occultist/Pagan stories.  The corrupt teachers!  The Chthonic beings you summoned just because you could before you could even hold an anthame!  Ostracization for petty crimes committed in your youth!  In fighting!  Coven drama!  Sexism!  Racism!  Getting your car keyed!  Illicit sex with elders and barely legals!


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  • Greybeard
    Greybeard says #
    Gathering in our circles to celebrate the Gods and to promote fertility has been an important part of the survival of our clans an
  • Deborah Castellano
    Deborah Castellano says #
    As I lean more towards not having children than having children, I have to say I don't really feel like I've missed anything to be

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