
Goddess Gift

Goddess Gift  
by Sharon Turnbull, Ph.D
Quiet Time Press, 2007


Maybe there’s a reason why for thousands of years individual people have been drawn to particular gods and goddesses. In Dr. Sharon Turnbull’s book Goddess Gift, she helps readers discover their own “personal goddess type,” the female deity who most resembles their own personality and who can help them better themselves.

Goddess Gift is not necessarily a spiritual book, although it can certainly be read that way. Psychological in nature, it includes a quiz that will help readers know if their dominant goddess type falls under the archetype Lover, Queen, Mystic Maiden or Warrior. Likewise, the reader can figure out what archetypes are the least involved in themselves, and work to improve on what’s lacking.

After the quiz, chapters describe the four types and tell about various goddesses who fall under them. Affirmations are supplied, as well as lovely mantras to the featured goddesses. It’s not an overly scholarly book, and that’s the point. It’s a book about getting in touch with yourself, and can be the first step to finding out more about goddesses. For those who want to know what specific goddess they’re most like, rather than just the archetype, Dr. Turnbull has put up her website www. to do just that (at a cost of $20 per quiz.) There is also a god quiz at the site, so men don’t have to feel left out. This quiz gives a specific deity and about twenty-five pages of information on her/ him and the personality of the person who took the quiz.

While books like Jean Shinoda Bolen’s Goddesses in Everywoman may be similar, there’s nothing quite like Goddess Gift.


RATING: 4 Broomsticks

» Originally appeared in newWitch #17

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