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Pagan News Beagle: Watery Wednesday, November 2
A discussion of the "spiritual duty of citizenship." The magic of reveling in "Pagan primitivism." And one last drive to fundraise for a beloved Pagan website. It's Watery Wednesday, our weekly segment on Pagan community news and discussion! All this and more for the Pagan News Beagle!
The election for the next President of the United States is just around the corner. But what does that have to do with Paganism? It might depend on what your vision of Paganism entails. At The Wild Hunt Gwendolyn Reece talks about "political magick" and the "spiritual duty of citizenship."
In general we Pagans like to think of ourselves as nature-oriented and science-friendly. But sometimes we get a little bit off track. At her blog, Lupa Greenwolf talks about the unfortunate Pagan antipathy to mainstream medicine and psychiatry, which does far more harm than good.
Are you a fan of bonfires? If so you might get a kick out of this article from gilbride at Gods & Radicals, which discusses the unique and primitive joy of them and many other Pagan forms of celebration.
When most people think of Heathenry the image that comes most immediately to mind is likely men dressed like Vikings, ice capped fjords, and snowy skies. But Heathenry isn't just found in the north. Or even the Northern Hemisphere. Hüginn's Heathen Hof provides a look at a bastion of Heathenry in Brazil.
The Wild Hunt's fall fundraising drive is almost over which means if you want to donate you should so soon! We have the link right here in support of our proud affiliates and Pagan newsmongers.
Top image by SE5 Forum For Camberwell
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